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Departmental Policies

Policies Overview

Oregon Department of Corrections (DOC) policies further describe how the department will conduct business or carry out administrative rules or statutes.

Policy List

You can find a list of DOC policies in the dropdown below. Click on the policy to open the document as a PDF. Many policies have related attachments. These attachments are all listed below, and the PDF documents can be accessed by submitting a Public Record Request to our agency. Visit the Public Record Request page to learn more.


20.4 Filling Positions
20.5 Employee Services Management

20.5.4 Attachment A - Statewide Awards Process and Timeline
20.5.4 Attachment B - Awards and Recognition Process
20.5.11 Employee Time Reporting and Payroll Process
​20.5.11​   Form - Early Release Form
​20.5.11​ ​Attachment 2 - Time Sheet Instructions
​​20.5.11 Attachment 3 - Overtime Authorization 
​20.5.11​ ​Attachment 4 - Emergency Pay Advance Request
20.5.12 Maintenance and Access to Employee Records
20.5.13 Employment References
20.5.14 Family Relationships and Special Friendships
20.5.15 Attachment A - DOC Identification Card Procedure
20.5.15   Form - Functional Unit ID Card Coordinator Agreement 
20.5.15   Form - Retirement ID 
20.5.17 Management and Injured Workers
20.5.17 Attachment A - Letter A Time-Loss Payments
20.5.17 Attachment B - Letter B No Time-Loss Payments
20.5.17 Attachment C - Letter C Interim Review and/or Changes in Restrictions
20.5.17 Attachment D - Letter D Off-the-Job Injury
20.5.17 Attachment E - Letter E End of Temporary Modified Duty
20.5.17 Attachment F - SAIF Claims Management Flowchart
20.5.17 Attachment G - DOC Employee Medical Status Report 
20.5.17 Attachment H - DOC Job Description for Temporary Transitional Work
20.5.17 Attachment I - Employee/Volunteer Report or Incident/Near-Miss/Injury/Illness
20.5.17 Attachment J – Supervisor's Analysis of Incident/Near-Miss/Injury/Illness 
20.6 Workplace and Safety Management

20.6.11 Attachment A - Confined Space Assessment
20.6.11 Attachment B - Confined Space Permit
20.6.11 Attachment C - Confined Space Entry Hot Work Permit
20.6.12 Control of Hazardous Energy (Lockout/Tag out)
20.6.12   Form - Lockout/Tag out Machine and Equipment Survey 
20.6.12   Form - Lockout/Tag out Machine Energy Control Pro 
20.6.12   Form - Annual Energy Control Procedure Inspection 
20.6.13 Powered Industrial Trucks
20.6.15 Personal Protective Equipment
20.6.16 Automatic External Defibrillator
20.6.16   Form – Daily AED Checklist
20.6.16   Form – Monthly/Annual AED Checklist 
20.6.17 EAIP Funds
20.6.17   Form – EAIP Safety Fund Purchase Request
20.6.18 Wellness Policy

​​30.3.2 Attachment - Appendix A DOC Blocked MCC Code Listing

​40.1 Security and Control

40.1.2 Keys and Locks
40.2 General
40.2.1 Attachment B – Staffing Standard Review and Exception Request Form
40.2.2 Officer-of-the-Day Selection Criteria and Training
40.2.3 Commissary Operations
​​40.2.3   Form - Package Authorization Order
40.2.4 Sale of Meal Tickets
​​40.2.4   Form - Daily Meal Ticket Log Book
​​40.2.4   Form - Meal Ticket Inventory Issuance
​​40.2.4 ​  Form - Meal Ticket Sales Batch Reconciliation
40.2.6 Wildland Fire Crew Deploy & Management Process
40.2.6 Attachment - Attachments 1-4
40.2.13   Form - Discrimination Complaint Appeal Form 

40.3 Population Management

​70.1 Investigations, Evidence and Escapes

70.1.5   Form - Electronic Surveillance Request/Approval Form​

​90.1 General

90.1.3 Attachment A – Case Planning
90.1.3 Attachment B – Suggested Services by Levels of Supervision
90.1.3 Attachment C – Mental Health
90.1.3 Attachment D – Multidisciplinary Team Meetings
90.1.3 Attachment E – Earned Time Process
​​90.1.4 ​Treatment and Behavioral Change Programs
​​90.1.4 ​Attachment A - Treatment Programs Eligibility & Screening Criteria
​90.1.4​ ​Attachment B - Behavioral Changes Programs Eligibility & Screening Criteria
​90.1.4​   Form - Notification of Non-AIP Failure 
​90.1.4​ ​  Form - Notification of AIP Failure 
​90.1.4​ ​  Form - Program Completion Exception Request

90.2 Religious Services

90.2.2 Searches of Medicine Bags
90.2.3 Attachment - Religious Property Approved for Volunteers to Bring Into Institutions
90.2.4 Religious Property (Inmate)
90.2.4 Attachment - Religious Property (Inmate) Attachments
90.2.5 Christian Science Health Assistance
90.2.6 Volunteers/Student Interns
​90.2.6​   Form - Volunteer Process Checklist 
​90.2.6​ ​  Form - NSP Facility Orientation Checklist
​90.2.6​ ​  Form - Volunteer Application 
​​90.2.6 ​  Form - Volunteer Position Description 
​90.2.6​ ​  Form - Volunteer Program LEDS Information 
​90.2.6​ ​  Form - Volunteer Statement of Professionalism 
​90.2.6​ ​  Form - Notice of Volunteer-Inmate Relationship
​90.2.6​ ​  Form - Employee as Volunteer Position Description ​
90.3.1​​ ​Identification Documents for Inmates​​