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Higher Education Coordination Commission

Grant and Contract Opportunities

The Higher Education Coordinating Commission (HECC) supports numerous services and strategic initiatives through grants and contracts. All current HECC grant and contract requests for proposals and applications are listed below. We welcome new applicants for grant and contract opportunities.

If you are interested in becoming a supplier of goods or services for the State of Oregon, you can register through OregonBuys. The HECC contract opportunities that are listed below are also listed in OregonBuys, the state’s e-procurement system. HECC grant opportunities only appear on this page. Click on each grant and contract topic below to find more information on eligibility requirements and how to apply.

Please click on the name of the grant or contract opportunity below to find more information on the scope of work, eligibility requirements, and more. It is important to review all requirements in the document/s provided.

Name of Grant or Contract
Request for Applications: 25-005-RFA 2025-2027 First Generation Student Success
OregonBuys number
Due date
Summary of Work

The Higher Education Coordinating Commission (“HECC"), on behalf of the Office of Community Colleges and Workforce Development (“CCWD"), collectively “HECC," is seeking Applications for competitively awarded grant funding for projects and programs that support the success of first generation students, including those who are part of one or more of the following and who enroll in community college and make progress toward a degree or a certificate:

  • Low-income;
  • First-Generation to attend an institution of higher education;
  • Communities of color;
  • Women;
  • Low-income communities;
  • Rural and frontier communities;
  • Veterans;
  • Persons with disabilities;
  • Incarcerated and formerly incarcerated individuals;
  • Members of Oregon's nine federally recognized Indian tribes;
  • Individuals who disproportionately experience discrimination in employment on the basis of age; and
  • Individuals who identify as members of the LGBTQ+ community.

Grant funds distributed may be used for services designed to increase student enrollment, retention, and degree and certificate completion, including, but not limited to:

  • Counseling programs
  • College initiatives
  • Advising services
  • Assistance in obtaining financial aid

Funds will be awarded to projects that HECC regards as having the greatest potential for effectively increasing the college completion rates of the target students in community college certificate and degree programs.

Only community colleges and community college foundations are eligible to apply. HECC will determine the number of grant recipients based on available funding and a comprehensive review of all Applications received.  HECC anticipates receiving an appropriation of 3.9 million for the 2025-2027 biennium. 

Deadline to Apply
March 17, 2025 at 3:00 PM PDT
Review all Requirements

​All Applications shall be submitted via the web-based program Survey Monkey Apply:

Please review the RFA for more information.

  • Links to the application will be posted on HECC's website:  *insert link*
  • Application submissions are due by March 17, 2025, at 3:00p.m. PDT
  • Late or incomplete Applications will not be accepted.
  • 25-003-RFA First Generation Student Success


​Single point of contact (“SPC"): Jeanie Stuntzner   

For questions or clarifications, or if you need this material in a different format, please contact the SPC.

Name of Grant or Contract
​Request for Applications: 24-048-RFA Oregon Conservation Corps Grant Program 2025-27
OregonBuys number
Due date
Summary of Work

The Oregon Conservation Corps (OCC) Program provides grant funding to reduce the risk wildfires pose to communities and critical infrastructure, create fire-adapted communities, and engage youth and young adults in workforce training to develop the next generation of land managers. Fuels mitigation treatments are to take place within the Wildland Urban Interface and are prioritized for areas identified as high and moderate hazard zones. Program participants are youth between 16-26 years old, who engage in training and earn industry-recognized credentials while completing fuels mitigation treatments. Applicants should consider strategies that reflect effective integration of services with other partner agencies, and proactive strategies to involve employers in design of service strategies and implementation of the program.​​

Deadline to Apply
Deadline: 02/28/2025 at 11:59 p.m. PST
Review all Requirements
Review all requirements in the following documents: ​
Single Point of Contact:
​​​Hillary Blackstone

Name of Grant or Contract
Request for Applications (RFA): 24-121-RFA OSC Disaster PREP
OregonBuys number
Due date
Summary of Work

​OSC mission is to promote and enhance the culture of service, volunteerism, and civic engagement across communities throughout Oregon. We work with partners to increase resources and programs that meet needs in education, environmental stewardship, emergency response, community capacity and resiliency, economic opportunity, and more.

The PREP Grant aims to empower organizations to host events that enhance community emergency preparedness, engage community members in meaningful activities, promote service and volunteerism, and increase volunteer sign-ups on the Oregon Volunteers in Disaster (“ORVID") platform.

Deadline to Apply
February 28, 2025 at 5:00 PM Pacific Time
Review all Requirements

​​Review all requirements in the following documents:


​​​Contact OSC with questions:

Name of Grant or Contract
Request for Applications: 24-100-RFA 2025-2026 AmeriCorps Formula Funding Grant Opportunity
OregonBuys number
Due date
Summary of Work

​The intent of this RFA is to provide grants to eligible organizations seeking to operate an AmeriCorps program. The funding for this RFA is provided through the annual AmeriCorps State Formula Funding allocation to OSC, as the state service commission.

Funding is not guaranteed and is subject to the availability of funds. OSC reserves the right to prioritize funding recommendations for continuation Applicants. The actual level of funding available through the Ameri​Corps State Formula Funding allocation will be subject to the availability of annual appropriations. Award amounts will vary, as determined by the scope of the projects.

Deadline to Apply
A Notification of Intent to Apply (“NOI”) is required for all Applicants. NOI Due Date: February 18th, 2025, 11:59PM Pacific Time. Final Application Due Date: April 18th, 2025, 11:59PM Pacific Time
Review all Requirements

Each Applicant must propose a project that will deploy AmeriCorps members effectively to solve a community problem. Please review the RFA for more information, links to application materials, and eligibility criteria.


Informational Webinars for Applicants: February 10, 2025​:

10:00-10:45 PST for Continuing or Recompete Applicants

2:00-3:00 PST for New Applicants

24-100-RFA 2025-2026 AmeriCorps Formula Funding Grant Opportunity

Name of Grant or Contract
Request for Applications ("RFA") 25-009-RFA Youth Conservation Opportunities on Public Lands
OregonBuys number
Due date
Summary of Work

​The State of Oregon, acting by and through the Higher Education Coordinating Commission (“HECC”), is issuing this Request for Application (“RFA”) for the Oregon Conservation Corps (“OCC”), program administered by Oregon Youth Works (“OYW”).

OYW has a Cooperative Agreement with the Bureau of Land Management (“BLM”) to support utilizing youth crews engaged in federal conservation projects. The BLM has five projects in their Lakeview and Burns districts where HECC will deploy youth crews. 

These projects span the three-year agreement with the BLM. HECC’s projects are intended to recruit at least some Native youth participants (enrolled tribal member status is not required). The RFA is to form grant agreements with organizations who will support this work on the ground and employ the young people.

Applicants should include how they plan to work with local youth and partner with local Tribal governments, Native people, and Native-led organizations as well as create intentional exposure to, and discussion of, career pathways available through the BLM. An ideal Applicant is already invested and present in these local communities or working in close partnership with local-based efforts.

Deadline to Apply
March 14, 2025 at 11:59 PM PST
Review all Requirements

​Single Point of Contact: Hillary Blackstone


Phone:  (503) 507-6961

Name of Grant or Contract
Request for Proposals (RFP): 24-073 RFP National Career Readiness Certificate Study
OregonBuys number
Due date
Summary of Work

The State of Oregon enacted ORS 660.343 which requires HECC to deliver a General Mental Ability Assessment - the National Career Readiness Certificate (“NCRC") - and to make it available to all Oregonians. Since 2012 over 85,000 Oregonians have taken the assessment.

HECC is issuing this RFP to determine 1) the perceived value of the NCRC by employers and job seekers, 2) the value of the certificate for screening applicants in apprenticeship programs by programs who have included the NCRC as part of their Oregon Bureau of Labor & Industries  approved programs,  3) the benefit of a GMA in assisting job seekers in differentiating their skills from others in the job market, 4) to what extent the NCRC has been integrated into the workforce system within regional labor markets.

HECC's Office of Workforce Investments aims to align education, training, and employment opportunities with the needs of employers and communities. By leveraging partnerships with employers, educational institutions, government agencies, and community organizations, Oregon's workforce development system strives to create a dynamic and resilient workforce capable of driving sustainable economic growth and prosperity for all residents.

Deadline to Apply
December 20, 2024, at 3:00 p.m. PST
Review all Requirements

Single Point of Contact:  Karen DeHut  Email: