| US Dept of the Interior Youth Conservation Opportunities on Public Lands
| L24AC00410
| 08/19/2024- 09/30/2027
| 2024
| 08/27/2024
15.243 |
Dept of Interior (DOI)/ BLM - Youth Corps Program | L20AC00331 | 09/03/2020 - 09/03/2023 | 2022
| 10/14/2021 |
17.700 |
Women's Bureau-Fostering Access, Rights, and Equity (FARE) | WB-36957-21-60-A-41 | 09/30/2021 - 03/31/2023 | PY2021 - 2023 | OWI | 11/23/2021 |
| WIOA Adult Activities Award 24A55AT000057-01-00
| 24A55AT000057
| 07/01/2024 - 06/30/2027
| PY2024
| 07/17/2024
17.258 |
WIOA Adult Activities Award 23A55AT000049-01-00 | 23A55AT000049 | 07/01/2023 - 06/30/2026 | PY2023 | OWI | 07/14/2023 |
| WIOA Youth Activities Award# 24A55AY000070-01-00
| 24A55AY000070
| 04/01/2024- 06/30/2027
| PY2024
| 06/28/2024
17.259 |
WIOA Youth Activities - Award # 23A55AY000016-01-00 | 23A55AY000016 | 04/01/2023 - 06/30/2023 | PY2023 | OWI | 06/26/2023 |
17.259 |
WIA/WIOA (Youth/Adult/Dislocated Worker Formula Grant Programs) | AA-38551-22-55-A-41 | 04/01/2022 - 06/30/2025 | PY2022 | OWI | 07/08/2022 |
17.258 17.259 17.278 |
WIA-WIOA (Youth/Adult Activities-States, Dislocated Workers-Formula-States) | AA-36341 | 04/01/2021 - 06/30/2024 | PY2021 | OWI | 07/21/2021 |
- Grant Modification No.1 | AA-36341-21-55-A-41 | 04/01/2021 - 06/30/2024 | PY2021 | OWI | 07/23/2021 |
- Grant Modification No.2
- Grant Modification No. 3
| AA-36341-21-55-A-41 | 04/01/2021 - 06/30/2024 | FY2022 | OWI | 08/11/2021 |
17.258 17.259 17.278 |
WIOA Youth/Adult/Dislocated Workers Formula Combined - Grant Modification No.6 | AA-32218-18-55-A-41 | 04/11/2022 | PY2018 FY2019 | OWI | 04/21/2022 |
17.258 17.259 17.278 |
WIA-WIOA (Youth/Adult Activities-States, Dislocated Workers-Formula-States) | AA-33251 | 04/01/2019 - 06/30/2022 | PY2019 | OWI | 08/25/2021 |
- Grant Modificiation No.1 | AA-33251-19-55-A-41 | 04/01/2019 - 06/30/2022 | PY2019 | OWI | 08/25/2021 |
- Grant Modification No.2 | AA-33251-19-55-A-41 | 04/01/2019 - 06/30/2022 | PY2019 | OWI | 03/10/2022 |
- Grant Modification No.5 | AA-33251-19-55-A-41 | 04/01/2019 - 06/30/2022 | PY2019 PY2020 | OWI | 03/10/2022 |
17.258 17.259 17.278 |
WIOA Youth/Adult/Dislocated Workers Formula Combined Grant Modification No.1
Grant Modification No. 2
| AA-38551-22-55-A-41 | 07/01/2022 - 06/30/2023 | PY2022 | OWI | 08/05/2022 |
| 2023 QUEST Disaster Recovery DWG (WIOA National Dislocated Worker Grants / WIA National Emergency Grants)-01-00
| 23A60DW000012
| 09/30/2023 - 09/30/2026
| PY2023
| 04/09/2024
WIOA National Dislocated Workers | DW-35801-21-60-A-41 | 10/01/2020 - 09/ 30/2022 | FY2021 | OWI | 03/01/2021 |
- Grant Modification No.5 | DW-35801-21-60-A-41 | 10/01/2020 - 09/ 30/2022 | FY2022 | OWI | 10/11/2022 |
17-277 | WIOA National Dislocated Workers | DW-34815 | | | | |
- DW-34815-20-60-A-41 Mod 4 | DW-34815-20-60-A-41 | 12/23/2021 - 03/31/2022 | PY2020 | OWI | 01/03/2022 |
- DW-34815-20-60-A-41 Mod 5 | DW-34815-20-60-A-41 | 2/16/2022 - 03/31/2022 | PY2020 | OWI | 02/24/2022 |
- DW-34815-20-60-A-41 Mod 6 | DW-34815-20-60-A-41 | 02/18/2022 - 03/31/2023 | PY2020 | OWI | 02/24/2022 |
17-277 | WIOA National Dislocated Workers | DW-34693 | | | | |
- DW-34693-20-60-A41 Mod 4 | DW-34693-20-60-A-41 | 12/23/2021 - 03/31/2022 | PY2020 | OWI | 01/03/2022 |
- DW-34693-20-60-A-41 Mod 5 | DW-34693-20-60-A-41 | 12/29/2021 - 03/31/2022 | PY2020 | OWI | 01/03/2022 |
- DW-34693-20-60-A-41 Mod 6 | DW-34693-20-60-A-41 | 02/16/2022 - 03/31/2022 | PY2020 | OWI | 02/24/2022 |
- DW-34693-20-60-A-41 Mod 7 | DW-34693-20-60-A-41 | 2/18/2022 - 3/31/2023 | PY2020 | OWI | 02/24/2022 |
| WIOA Dislocated Worker Formula Grants PY 2024 - 24A55AW000092-01-00
| 24A55AW000092
| 07/01/2024- 06/30/2027
| PY2024
| 07/30/2024
17-278 |
WIOA Dislocated Worker Program 2023 - 23A55AW000041-01-00 | 23A55AW000041 | 07/01/2023 - 06/30/2026 | PY2023 | OWI | 07/25/2023 |
17.285 |
Apprenticeship USA Grants | AP-35124-20-60-A-41 | 07/01/2020 - 06/30/2023 | PY2021 | OWI | 03/29/2021 |
17.285 |
Apprenticeship USA Grants | AP-36519-21-60-A-41 | 07/01/2021 - 06/30/2025 | PY2021 - 2025 | OWI | 11/30/2021 |
17.285 |
Apprenticeship USA Grants | AP-33505-19-60-A-41 | 07/01/2019 - 06/30/2022 | PY2019 - 2025 | OWI | 04/08/2022 |
- Mod 3 | V002A200038.1.1 | 07/01/2019 - 06/30/2022 | PY2018 | OWI | 06/09/2022 |
| Adult Education and Family Literacy Act State Grant
| V002A240038
| 07/01/2024- 09/30/2025
| FY2024-2025
| 07/23/2023
| Adult Education and Family Literacy Act State Grant
| V002A230038
| 07/01/2023 - 09/30/2024
| FY2023-2024
| 07/06/2023
| Adult Education and Family Literacy Act State Grant
| V002A220038
| 07/01/2022 - 09/30/2023
| FY2022-2023
| 07/12/2022
84.002A |
Title II
| V002A200038.1.1 | 07/01/2020 - 09/30/2021 | FY2020-21 | CCWD | 06/08/2021 |
84.002A |
Adult Education and Family Literacy Act State Grant | V002A210038 | 07/01/2021 - 09/30/2022
| FY2021-22 | CCWD | 05/10/2022 |
84.002A | Title II
| V002A200038.1.1
| 07/01/2020 - 09/30/2021
| FY2020-21
| CCWD | 06/08/2021
Adult Education and Family Literacy Act State Grant
| V048A220037 | 07/01/2022 - 09/30/2023 | FY2022-2023 | ODE | 02/09/2023 |
84.425C |
GEER I | S425C200048 | 06/02/2020 - 09/30/2021 | FY2020-21 | Varies | 06/03/2021 |
84.425C |
GEER II | S425C210048 | 01/08/2021 - 09/30/2022 | FY2021-22 | Varies | 05/05/2021 |
94.003 |
AmeriCorps CNCS Commission Administration - Amendment 3 | 21CAIOR001 | 01/01/2021- 12/31/2022 | FY2021-22 | OWI/ OV | 11/23/2021 |
94.003 |
AmeriCorps CNCS Commission Administration | 22CAIOR001 | 01/01/2022 - 12/31/2024 | FY 2022-2024 | OWI/ OS | 01/12/2022 |
94.006 |
AmeriCorps Fixed Amount Grant (State) -Amend 1 | 20FXHOR001 | 08/01/2020 - 07/31/2023 | FY2021-22 | OWI/ OS | 08/08/2022 |
Amend 3 | 20FXHOR001 | 08/01/2020 - 07/31/2023 | FY2021-23 | OWI/ OV | 05/06/2022 |
Amend 4 | 20FXHOR001 | 08/01/2022 - 07/31/2023 | FY2022-23 | OWI/ OV | 07/13/2021 |
94.006 |
AmeriCorps Fixed Amount Grants | 21FXIOR001 | 10/01/2021 - 09/30/2024 | PY2021-2024 | OWI/ OS | 02/28/2022 |
94.006 |
AmeriCorps State Competitive | 19ACHOR002 | 08/02/2019 - 08/01/2022 | FY2021-22 | OWI/ OV | 07/08/2021 |
- Amendment 5 - ARPA | 19ACHOR002 | 08/02/2019 - 08/01/2022 | FY2021-22 | OWI/ OV | 07/08/2021 |
- Amendment 6-ext | 19ACHOR002 | 08/02/2019 - 05/31/2023 | FY2021-23 | OWI/ OV | 05/23/2022 |
94.006 |
AmeriCorps State Competitive | 22ACIOR001 | 08/01/2022 - 07/31/2025 | FY2022-23 | OWI/ OSC | 07/22/2022 |
94.006 |
AmeriCorps State Formula CR | 21AFIOR001 | 08/01/2021 - 07/31/2024 | FY2021-22 | OWI/ OV | 07/23/2021 |
- Amend 1 | 21AFIOR001 | 08/01/2021 - 07/31/2024 | FY2021-22 | OWI/ OV | 05/06/2022 |
- Amend 2 | 21AFIOR001 | 08/01/2021 - 07/31/2024 | FY2022-24 | OWI/ OV | 08/01/2022 |
94.008 | CNCS Training and Technical Assistance | 19TAHOR005 | 07/03/2019 - 12/31/2021 | FY2021 | OWI/ OV | 05/26/2021 |
- Amend 5 | 19TAHOR005 | 07/03/2019 - 12/31/2021 | FY2021 | OWI/ OV | 05/26/2021 |
- Amend 6 | 19TAHOR005 | 07/03/2021 - 12/31/2022 | FY2022 | OWI/ OV | 11/24/2021 |
94.008 |
CNCS Training and Technical Assistance | 22TAIOR001 | 01/01/2022 - 12/31/2024 | PY2022-24 | OWI/ OV | 01/12/2022