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Proposed laws & rules

Certified Burn Manager Program

The Certified Burn Manager rules created under direction from SB 762 in 2022 are being updated to provide clarification and language changes. The proposed rules updates reflect lessons learned during the first few years of CBM program implementation and do not substantially alter the program's purpose, intent, or implementation.

The written comment period closes on Aug. 15. A public hearing is scheduled for:

Prescribed Fire Liability Pilot Program

Senate Bill 80 of the 2023 Legislative session and House Bill 4016 of the 2024 Legislative session directed the development of the Prescribed Fire Liability Pilot Program. The proposed rules establish the purpose, definitions, and general requirements for implementing the pilot program.

The written comment period closes on Aug. 15. A public hearing is scheduled for:

Wildfire hazard map

The Board of Forestry approved the public hearing process for the proposed rule package, Oregon Administrative Rules 629-001-0001 to 0057 and 629-044-1000 to 1041, during their June 5 meeting. The department consulted a Rulemaking Advisory Committee representing a wide variety of stakeholder interests while drafting the proposed rules.

The rules will be used by Oregon State University to address irrigated agriculture as a mitigating factor to assessing wildfire hazard in the statewide wildfire hazard map, which includes assigning one of three hazard zones to individual properties. The rules also establish the process to appeal assignment of a hazard zone or classification.

Comment can be made at any of the virtual public meetings below:

Comments can also be sent to until 5 p.m. on Aug. 15. Please clarify which rule your comments pertain to in your email.

Wildfire prevention

The prevention rules align fire prevention, equipment requirements for fire suppression and use of fireworks on public lands to increase wildfire prevention efforts.

The written comment period closes on Aug. 1. A public hearing is scheduled for:

Forest Practices Act rules

During the 2022 Legislative Session, the legislature passed Senate Bills 1501 and 1502 making substantial changes to the Forest Practices Rules. These bills require ODF and the Board of Forestry to complete several rulemaking processes over the coming years. This page will be used to provide rulemaking updates as well as information on public engagement opportunities as they arise. The board must:

  • Adopt rules implementing SB 1501 (2022) and SB 1502 (2022) and the Private Forest Accord Report by Nov. 30, 2022.
    • The board adopted these rules on Oct. 26, 2022. Learn more by reviewing the board materials.
  • Make minor changes or conforming amendments to the previously adopted rules, if needed, by July 1, 2023.
    • The board amended the previously adopted rules on June 7, 2023. Learn more by reviewing the board materials.
  • Initiate rulemaking related to tethered logging by March 17, 2025.
  • Complete rulemaking related to post-disturbance harvest by Nov. 30, 2025. 
    • On Jan. 4, 2023, the board directed ODF to start rulemaking on post-disturbance harvest activities. You can learn more by viewing the board materials.
    • On February 23, 2024, the board made required determinations and directed ODF to take specific actions related to post-disturbance harvest rulemaking. The public had the opportunity to provide written comments and/or live testimony. You can learn more by viewing the board meeting and related materials.