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Forest health

Latest news

Mediterranean oak borerMOB damage on tree

An invasive insect from Europe, the Middle East, and North Africa that attacks oak trees has recently been found in several Oregon white oaks in Wilsonville. The Mediterranean oak borer (Xyleborus monographus) transmits multiple fungal species to the trees it infests. Some fungal species may cause a disease called oak wilt, which may kill oak trees in as little as two to three years. View news releasefact sheet, and FAQ for more information.

Tree health webinar series: Why are my trees dying?

ODF Forest Entomologist Christine Buhl and instructors from OSU Extension and the USDA Forest Service taught a four-part online course this summer on what diseases, pests or other health issues that are threatening Willamette Valley tree species. View the webinar series.

Latest Oregon forest health report now available

Every year ODF and US Forest Service personnel fly over the state to monitor the health of Oregon forests. The report from last year - ODF-USFS 2022 Forest Health Highlights - is now availableThis report is largely based on 2022 aerial and ground surveys and should be used to make management decisions for 2023.

Roundup of Oregon EAB news

About the Forest Health Unit

The Forest Health Unit helps maintain and improve the health of Oregon's private and state-owned forests.

Our forest health professionals conduct aerial and ground surveys to monitor forest insects and tree diseases. They provide technical advice and training in the use of integrated pest management principles to help professional foresters and landowners meet their management goals and objectives.

Stewardship foresters, urban foresters, forest entomologists and pathologists can help landowners identify forest pest problems and develop strategies to manage pests. Contact a stewardship forester or the Forest Health Unit for more information.

View more information about the unit.

Factsheets & information

Maps & data

Saving Oregon Ash video

For the past few years ODF's Forest Health team has been working with scientists from the USDA Forest Service on a first-of-its-kind effort to save as much of the gene pool of the Oregon ash tree from the expected ravages of the emerald ash borer. The borer is an invasive insect pest first seen in Oregon in summer 2022 that could nearly wipe out this tree as it has done to other ash species in the central and eastern U.S. Seed from throughout the Oregon range of our native ash species is being collected for long-term storage at two USDA Forest Service locations - Dorena Genetic Research Center in Cottage Grove and the National Seed Lab in Fort Collins, Colorado. Watch why this effort is so important to the future of Oregon wetlands and streamside woodlands.

Saving Oregon’s Tanoaks video


Drought and forest health video

Bark beetles part 2 video

Bark beetles part 1 video

Bark beetles part 3 video