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Oregon State Flag An official website of the State of Oregon »

Fact Sheets and Publications

Fact Sheets

Camping on state highway right of way (2021) - An overview of how camping under bridges or along highways impacts the highway system.

Clearing Crashes - Why does it take so long to re-open a road after a truck overturns?

Highway Exits and Mileposts in the Portland Metro Area - A guide to highway signs, and names for highway and interstate mileposts and exits in the Portland Metro area.

Ramp Meters: Frequently Asked Questions

Popular Publications

The State of the System website, tells how Oregon’s transportation system is performing in relation to the seven goals of the Oregon Transportation Plan. The report highlights significant trends and challenges affecting the system. 

Bridge Conditions Report  - The annual report summarizes bridge condition ratings on state highways and performance measures based on the National Bridge Inventory and ODOT data. As a consistent reference point for evaluation, ODOT uses the bridge conditions snapshots provided annually to the Federal Highway Administration.

Winter Driving Guide - This brochure provides safety tips for traveling Oregon's highways in winter conditions.

Other Plans and Publications

Strategic Action Plan

Information Technology Strategic Plan

Social Media Posts

Our Communications team works with partners to create social media memes and visual posts to highlight safety-related issues in a memorable and humorous way.

Social media album on Flickr