List of Approved Public Meetings Law Trainings
If a governing body has total expenditures of $1 million or more in a fiscal year, each governing body member is required to take a training on Oregon's Public Meetings Law at least once during each term of their office. To fulfill the requirement, the training must be provided or approved by the Oregon Government Ethics Commission (OGEC) (ORS 192.700). The approval process and submission form can be found on our Training Approval page.
Below is a list of entities who have had their Public Meetings Law trainings approved by OGEC:
Training Approval Records Lookup
Documentation of each training approval is made public in OGEC's online database. Click the "Training Approval Records" button to access those records.
Training Approval Records
You'll be taken to the search page for our online advice database, where the training approval records are also stored. To search for training approval records, follow the instructions below.
Records Lookup Instructions
1. Click the "Advanced Search" option beneath the "Date Range" filter.

2. In the "Advice Type" filter, select "Training Approval."
3. Select the green "Search" button.
4. Click on the hyperlinked "Advice Number" of any search result to view more information.
5. In the pop-up that appears, click on any of the hyperlinked documents to download and view. For training approvals, these documents are going to include the approval letter and assessment form.
If you have additional questions about approved trainings, please reach out to OGEC's training team at or by calling our main office at 503-378-5105.