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OHCS role in Oregon Housing Needs Analysis

The Oregon Housing Needs Analysis (OHNA) is a methodology for estimating regional housing needs in Oregon in a way that examines existing housing stock, establishes a housing shortage analysis, and estimates needed housing units for the next twenty years. It allocates housing needs to each local government within a region and creates housing production targets for cities with a population of 10,000 or more.

The OHNA methodology is run annually by the Oregon Office of Economic Analysis, and the 2025 methodology is available here. The state's Department of Land Conservation and Development (DLCD) leads OHNA implementation and rulemaking, and OHCS is responsible for creating the Housing Production Dashboard and the Housing Equity Indicators Dashboard.

Housing Production Dashboard

OHCS is responsible for producing a Housing Production Dashboard to track progress toward the housing production targets set for cities in the methodology.  

This dashboard will be updated annually and must track the following for cities with a population of 10,000 or greater:  

  1. The city's progress towards the Total Housing Production Unit target set in the OHNA methodology 
  2. The city's progress towards the Publicly Supported Housing Unit target set in the OHNA methodology. This target is the number of units affordable to households making less than 80% of Area Median Income (AMI) and is referred to on this dashboard as Regulated Units.  
  3. A comparative analysis of progress towards these targets compared to the region and other local governments with similar market types, called peer cities on this dashboard. 

View the OHNA Production Dashboard

Download the User Guide or Data Sources and Definitions Resource for this dashboard.

Housing Equity Indicators Dashboard

OHCS is responsible for producing Housing Equity Indicators. The Housing Equity Indicators Dashboard will be updated annually and will track the following for cities with a population of 10,000 or greater:  

  • Housing outcomes, such as cost burden and availability of housing units to own or to rent, and housing conditions for various demographics, including race or ethnicity, disability status, English proficiency, and age
  • Risk of gentrification and displacement;
  • Housing segregation by race and income;
  • Residential tenants who spend more than 50% of their household income on gross rent for housing
  • Other measurable factors of indicators identified by the department

View the OHNA Housing Equity Indicators Dashboard

Download the User Guide or Data Sources and Definitions Resource for this dashboard.

Additional data is available upon request by emailing