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Down Payment Assistance

There are multiple avenues in which OHCS supports homeownership with Down Payment Assistance (DPA).

  • Homeownership Programs DPA - Down payment assistance program funds are awarded to organizations throughout the state to create, continue and expand their existing down payment assistance programs. Eligible homebuyers who have completed Homebuyer Education and the recommended coaching from a qualified organization may qualify for down payment and/or closing costs assistance.

    When funds are available, they are from the state’s document recording fee, and certain jurisdictions’ Construction Excise Taxes collected. A portion of these funds is distributed to Oregon Housing and Community Services to expand the state's supply of homeownership housing for low to moderate-income families and individuals, particularly communities of color, with a percentage of funds reserved specifically for Oregon veterans.

    Please contact the awarded organization serving your area for their program availability and requirements. The list of current awarded organizations offering the Homeownership Programs DPA can be found below.

    Homeownership Programs DPA Award List
  • OHCS Lending Programs paired with DPA - Down payment assistance paired with our lending programs helps Oregonians buy homes in partnership with our approved mortgage lenders.

    Using a fixed-rate first mortgage in combination with a second mortgage in the form of either a silent forgivable second lien or an amortizing repayable second lien. DPA funds may be used for up to 100% of the borrower’s cash requirement to close, including down payment, closing costs, pre-paid items, upfront borrower-paid mortgage insurance, and other related loan fees and expenses.

    To learn more please see our Flex Lending Program webpage

Homeownership Program Analyst

Get help with:
Asset Building, 
Down Payment Assistance, and
Financial Goals.
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