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Land and Water Conservation Fund

The Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) is a Federally funded grant program administered by the Oregon Parks and Recreation Department.  The program generally recieves approximately $4 million annually to award to qualified projects.  Since 1964, this national grant program has awarded over $80 million in grant funds for Oregon recreational areas and facilities.

Program Overview


Eligible applicants include:

  • Cities
  • Counties
  • Park and Recreation Districts
  • Port District
  • Indian Tribes
  • Oregon State Agencies (Parks & Recreation Dept., Dept. of State Lands, Department of Fish and Wildlife and Dept. of Forestry).

Project Types include:

LWCF grants are available to either acquire land for public outdoor recreation or to develop basic outdoor recreation facilities.
Acquisition – Acquiring land and water for public access, including new area or additions to existing parks, forests, wildlife areas, beaches or similar.
Development – Developing outdoor recreation activities and support facilities needed by the public for recreation activities, including providing basic facilities and improvement of basic facilities.
Projects must be consistent with the outdoor recreation goals and objectives stated in the Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan  (SCORP) and elements of your local comprehensive land use plans and park master plans. Projects must also comply with the Rehabilitation Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act.

Match Criteria:

LWCF provides up to 50 percent project funding. Eligible matches include local budged funds, donated funds, and the value of property, equipment, materials, and/or labor.  

Land previously acquired and work completed prior to project approval cannot be used as a match.  Pre-agreement design and engineering costs may be eligible, but all other projects costs and match must occur within the project period.

Legal Protection for Grant Assisted Recreation Sites:

Section 6(f)(3) of the LWCF Act contains strong provisions to protect Federal investments and the quality of assisted resources. Any site that has been acquired, developed, or improved, no matter how small the improvement, with funds from the LWCF grant program, must be open to the public and maintained in perpetuity (forever) for public outdoor recreation.

Section 6(f)(3) of the LWCF Act

  • SEC. 6(f)(3) No property acquired or developed with assistance under this section shall, without the approval of the Secretary, be converted to other than public outdoor recreation uses. The Secretary shall approve such conversion only if he finds it to be in accord with the then existing comprehensive statewide outdoor recreation plan and only upon such conditions as he deems necessary to assure the substitution of other recreation properties of at least equal fair market value and of reasonably equivalent usefulness and location.

Acceptance of an LWCF grant agreement with Oregon Parks and Recreation Department requires the recipient/project sponsor to assume the responsibility for compliance with LWCF Act, any and all program requirements, and applicable state and local laws. In signing the grant agreement with Oregon Parks and Recreation Department, the sponsor accepts the responsibility for compliance and the consequences of non-compliance.

Inspections are required on LWCF assisted areas to monitor the project sponsor’s compliance with program requirements. Project sponsors with recreation areas found in non-compliance will be notified in writing of the problems and given direction on remediation.

History of the Program

The Land and Water Conservation Fund State Assistance program was established by the LWCF Act of 1965 (Section 6, Land and Water Conservation Fund Act of 1965, as amended; Public Law 88-578; 16 U.S.C 4601-4 et seq.) to stimulate a nationwide action program to assist in preserving, developing, and assuring to all citizens of the United States of present and future generations such quality and quantity of outdoor recreation resources as may be available and are necessary and desirable for individual active participation.  The LWCF State Assistance Program provides matching grants to States, and through the States to local governments, for the acquisition and development of public outdoor recreation areas and facilities.  

The LWCF program was administered by the Bureau of Outdoor Recreation (BOR) from its beginning in 1965 to 1978 when the Heritage Conservation and Recreation Service (HCRS) was created.  HCRS then administered the program until 1981 when the LWCF was transferred to the Department of Interior, National Park Service.

For additional information, visit the National Park Service website at:

Grant Cycle Schedule

There will not be a LWCF grant cycle in 2024. The next grant cycle is anticipated to resume in the Fall of 2025. Please check out our other OPRD recreational grant programs to learn about more funding opportunities!

Grant Program Guidance and Forms

​The Land and Water Conservation Fund Manual includes program policies, eligibility requirements, information about the application process, current scoring criteria, and grant management policies.

Oregon State LWCF Manual

Federal LWCF Financial Assistance Manual, Volume 72, updated 10/01/2023

Workshops are offered for applicants to learn more about the grant program and application process. Content includes an overview of program policies and application requirements.

2023 LWCF Grant Cycle Webinar Slides (PDF)

2023 LWCF Grant Cycle Webinar Recording

OPRD utilizes an online grants application system. The application can be accessed online when the grant cycle is open. Interested applicants must have an account on OPRD Grants to apply and if needed, can request an account at any time.

Online Application Instructions: Refer to these instructions to navigate the application system on OPRD Grants

Land and Water Conservation Fund Program
LWCF Grant Program-Quick Facts

Pre-Application Worksheets:
Application worksheets will be made available prior to the next grant cycle. Use the three worksheets below as a guide when preparing answers for the Online Application. Your answers can then be cut and pasted from the Worksheet to the Application.


Federal LWCF Grant Manual

Outdoor Recreation Legacy Partnership (ORLP) Program:

In 2014, in coordination with Congress, the National Park Service (NPS) created the Outdoor Recreation Legacy Partnership (ORLP) Program, a competitive grant program administered under the authority of the LWCF Act. NPS designed the ORLP with input from Congressional Committee staff, the States, and other interested parties. As designed, the goal of the ORLP Program is to provide new or significantly improve recreation opportunities for economically disadvantaged communities in larger urbanized areas (as designated by the Census Bureau) that are under-served in terms of parks and other outdoor recreation resources. With Congressional support, the NPS has funded and issued grants pursuant to the ORLP each year. ORLP grants are selected through an NPS-lead national competition following a solicitation and nomination by the States, and such grants do not count against State apportionments.
Applications are currently being screened and accepted. ORLP application cycles will run twice per year, and applications will be due to OPRD on April 1st and September 1st.
If you are interested in applying to the ORLP Program, please reach out to Julian Fedorchuk to discuss your project.


Refer to the current Oregon State LWCF Manual  for comprehensive information about reporting requirements and state and federal laws that apply to the program.

Progress reports and reimbursement requests must be submitted on

Refer to the Online Grant Reimbursement and Reporting Instructions  for detailed information.

OPRD Grants Online Instructional Videos:

Reporting Forms

Important Information:

Maps must be to scale, or show actual dimensions;  show all existing facilities, easements, utilities, and new facilities proposed in application; should be color-coded for ease of understanding; will be reviewed by the Oregon Outdoor Recreation Committee (OORC) prior to your schedule presentation. The project boundary map must clearly delineate the park boundary, which is subject to the conversion provisions of Section 6(f)(3) of the LWCF Act.

  • No project may begin without authorization from OPRD through a signed State/Local Agreement.
  • Projects that do not receive funding may be revised and submitted in another grant cycle.
  • Project areas and facilities must remain open for public outdoor recreation use in perpetuity. Areas and facilities funded with LWCF assistance in the past must be in compliance with the LWCF program guidelines. LWCF acknowledgement signs must be posted on the site.
  • LWCF acknowledgement signs are available upon request.

Grant Advisory Committee

The Oregon Outdoor Recreation Committee (OORC) is a nine-member committee appointed by the Oregon Parks and Recreation Department Director. The committee meets annually and at other times upon the call of the Director. The committee members serve non-concurrent four-year terms and represent the following interests:

  • Counties east of the Cascade Mountains;
  • Counties west of the Cascade Mountains;
  • Cities under 15,000 populations;
  • Cities over 15,000 populations;
  • Park and Recreation Districts, Metropolitan Service District or Port Districts
  • Oregon Parks and Recreation Department
  • People with Disabilities
  • Member of a historically underrepresented community; or Representatives from Tribal Governments
  • Public-at-Large

Selection of committee members shall be from lists supplied by the Oregon Recreation and Park Association, Association of Oregon Counties, League of Oregon Cities, Special Districs Association of Oregon, and recommendations from the Director. The Department may consult with other appropriate organizations not otherwise listed here for committee membership candidates.

Current OORC Roster

Interested in joining the OORC or want more information? Contact the LWCF Grant Coordinator.

Grant Awards

​Refer to these lists for descriptions of recent projects funded by LWCF.





Nohemi Enciso
Land and Water Conservation Fund Program Coordinator
725 Summer St. NE Suite C
Salem, OR 97301

Julian Fedorchuk
Land and Water Conservation Fund
Program Coordinator (compliance)
725 Summer St. NE Suite C
Salem, OR 97301

To recieve email updates and information about LWCF, please contact Nohemi Enciso and request to be added to the email distribution list.
