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During this pandemic, Deaf and hard of hearing people may have more challenges than usual with:

  • Job loss or reduction in income because of layoffs and closures
  • Basic communication, as many people’s faces are covered with masks
  • Social isolation and mental/emotional stress from staying at home
  • Stress from fear of exposure to COVID-19, or getting COVID-19 and trying to communicate with health care workers wearing PPE

ASL videos about COVID-19

​​​Preparing a go bag

ODHHS has developed a video with ASL and open captions about preparing a medical emergency go bag to have ready to take to the hospital. It includes information about items to include in your go bag.

Communication resources

Communicating with people wearing PPE

The ADA National Network, National Association for the Deaf, Hearing Loss Association of America, TDI, American Association of the Deaf-Blind, and Oregon Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services have suggestions for how to communicate in medical settings with people wearing Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).​

Mobile devices to help you communicate

If you need a mobile device or app to help you communicate by text-to-speech or Video Relay Interpreting (VRI), here are two resources:

Help with food and utilities

Mental health and emotional well-being​

Communication cards​

It may help to carry (or save to your phone) a card or document saying that you are Deaf or hard of hearing and how best to communicate with you. Here are some examples: