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Statewide CNC Meetings and Training

Below you will find the Statewide CNC meeting recaps. We encourage you to read the following and share this with your respective communities.

7/26/2023 – Meeting Recap

Please review the agenda and meeting content. You will find the respective slides and attachments ​pertaining to each topic below.

CNC Statewide Meeting Agenda 7/26/23

Workday Audit

The Workday team will be working on an audit of employees who have a mismatch between their assigned grade profile and their assigned job profile, meaning they are not linked within Workday.

The job profile might be incorrect as there are job profiles at different salary ranges (based on CBA/Policy), or it could be an incorrect grade profile which could cause an employee to get compensated incorrectly.

Additionally, having a mismatch could cause errors for those employees on the automatic monthly files (i.e., PERS Pickup and Step Increases).

Agencies who have employees with an identified mismatch will receive an email that includes a list of identified employees, general guidance on how to proceed, and some helpful resources.


Pay Equity

We've received several similar questions related to pay equity and thought it would be helpful to highlight some pay equity guidance. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact


Pay Equity Administration Guidance

The pay equity calculator should be used by all agencies to determine the salary placement on all new positions (new hires, promotions, laterals, demotions), and any request for an unscheduled pay equity adjustment (from an employee or management requested review). Agencies should not be using the CMP Pay Equity report – the calculator replaces the old process.


New Position (new-to-state hire, promotion, lateral, demotion)

  • If the candidate is a current state employee (and after running the pay equity calculator), the expected step is lower than the employee's current salary, the agency needs to follow CBA or policy to ensure the appropriate contract or policy language is applied.


For example, most contracts and the policy indicate an employee receives at least one step upon promotion. If the pay equity calculator indicates the appropriate step is 3, yet when following CBA/policy, step 4 provides the employee one step upon promotion, the individual should be placed on step 4. The agency analyst needs to document the reason (with reference to CBA/policy) in the notes section of the pay equity calculator.


  • If the candidate is a current state employee, the agency also may take into consideration other data points, such as a long WOC or a close BSD, to make a salary placement. Again, the reason for the salary step placement needs to be documented in the notes section of the pay equity calculator.

  • The agency may take into consideration a specific skill set the candidate (whether current state employee or new to state) brings if the position being filled is a broadly defined classification, such as an OPA 3. If the agency is seeking an individual who has experience in a specific niche policy/program, and the candidate has the unique skillset, then it may be appropriate to bring the candidate in at a higher step. The reason for the higher step needs to be documented in the notes section of the pay equity calculator.


NOTE: If placing a candidate on a step that deviates from the pay equity calculator (i.e., creating a high outlier), the agency should be prepared to respond to/defend that decision if audited or challenged through other legal venues, which is why the documentation in the notes section is so important.


Unscheduled Pay Equity Adjustment in Current Position

The agency needs to use the pay equity calculator to determine the appropriate step. If the calculator reflects the employee should be on a higher step, the agency should submit its analysis and the associated documentation (pay equity calculator, employee/management request) to DAS CnC for review.  DAS will continue to use the pay equity calculator as the determining factor to approve or deny unscheduled pay equity adjustments.

Also, as a reminder, our next Pay Equity Office Hours will be Tuesday, August 8 from 10AM-11AM.


SEIU Tentative Agreement – Agency Initiated WOC Pending Upward Reclassification


We have reached a Tentative Agreement (TA) with SEIU regarding WOC pending reclassification and how to handle the compensation. This language will be effective upon union ratification and policy will be updated at a future date as well. Please see document above for details. 


Current PEMs

We will be running reports to identify the remaining PEM's and will be reaching out to agencies to determine appropriate allocations. Agencies will need to notify these employees and respond to any appeals consistent with Policy.  For unique positions that do not fit within the new TOMP classifications, DAS CNC will work with affected agencies to develop appropriate classifications. 


Developing Questions to Support an Analysis​

Asking the Right Questions - Class Spec and PD

This training content was created by our DAS CNC Consultants to assist Classification & Compensation Analysts across the State to develop and answer the right questions as it pertains to the Position Description and Classification Specs.


Limited Duration Appointment Reminder

Limited Duration (LD) appointments:​

  • Must be reviewed for appropriate classification prior to establishing and recruiting.
  • May not be reclassified. If the LD position is changed, best practice is to end the appointment and establish a new one pursuant to state policies 30.000.01 and  40.025.02. Refer also to your CBA for guidance when applicable.
  • Are NOT temporary appointments and should not be treated like one. Please refer to state policy 40.025.01.
  • All LD appointments must have a completed Limited Duration Agreement form.

8/30/2023 – Meeting Recap

Please review the meeting content. You will find the respective slides and attachments pertaining to each topic below.

Classification Update

Bargaining is wrapping up, and we should soon be learning the effective dates of the Class Study changes. The Training and Development classification is going to be a large undertaking for some agencies. 

To prepare for allocation review, which is like the Reclass Review process, please gather all training related PDs, make sure they are all accurate, complete, up to date, and signed by your appointing authority now if you haven’t already. More to come ​as we get closer.

Training of the Month
We review the differences between Office Specialists and Administrative Specialists and Program Analysts and Operations and Policy Analysts.

9/27/2023 – Meeting Recap
Please review the agenda and meeting content. You will find the respective slides and attachments pertaining to each topic below.

Workday HCM

Below is a list of new and updated allowances for CBA’s that have ratified and reported.  There is also an announcement in Workday titled New and Updated allowances in Workday – CBA/Policy Changes.  Please refer to the CBA for the specifics/details on the allowances. Agencies can now add/update workers allowances, as appropriate.


New Compensation Allowances: 

  • American Board of Professional Psychology Certification – Percent (SEIU – Effective upon ratification: 8/22/23) 
  • Sexual Offending Treatment Program – Percent (SEIU – Effective upon ratification: 8/22/23) 
  • Open/Close Differential – Percent (AFSCME OLCC – Effective upon ratification: 8/21/23) 
  • Drug Recognition Expert – Percent (OSPOA – Effective upon ratification: 8/18/23) 
  • K-9 Handlers – Percent (OSPOA – Effective upon ratification 8/18/23) 


Updated Compensation Allowances: 

  • Critical need differential (AFSCME OSH Physicians – Effective upon ratification: 8/1/23) 
  • Float pool (AFSCME SACU – Effective upon ratification: 8/11/23) 
  • Digital Forensics (OSPOA – Effective upon ratification: 8/18/23) 
  • Certified Alcohol and Drug Counselor SEIU (SEIU – Effective upon ratification: 8/22/23) 

Pay Equity

Calculator - Change the default calculation type to 'new employee/new job' instead of 'Review in current position' as agencies are doing far more pay equity assessments for new hires, promotions, and position changes than reviews per an employee request. The calculator will be updated in the next few business days and posted to the link. We will be performing more updates in the coming weeks as a result of bargaining changes, please ensure you are using the link each time you complete a pay equity assessment.

 **Reminder – Pay Equity Office Hours will be October 10, 10:00-11:00 am. 


DONT USE THE PEMS. We are working with agencies to resolve the any outstanding PEM's, so we will be reaching out to agencies soon. Please work with us if you have issues.  

Recruitment - DO NOT RECRUIT FOR PEMS.  Any new recruitment needs to be done in a TOMP or other active classification.  

Upcoming CnC Office Hours
  • Class Study Implementation and Allocation Office Hours
    • Tuesday, October 3rd from 10:00AM - 11:00AM
    • ​Pay Equity Office Hours​
      • Tuesday, October 10th from 10:00AM - 11:00AM
    • Classification Office Hours
      • Tuesday, October 17th from 10:00AM - 11:00AM

    Changes to WOC Pending Reclassification Presentation

    10/25/2023 – Meeting Recap

    ​Please review the meeting content.  You will find the respective slides and attachments pertaining to each topic below.


    Training of the Month

    Program Analyst Levels Guidance


    We review the Program Analyst classification series and examine the differences between the four levels.

    12/13/2023 – Meeting Recap

    ​Please review the meeting content.  You will find the respective slides and attachments pertaining to each topic below.


    Training of the Month

    Operations and Policy Analyst Series Guidance


    We review the Operations and Policy Analyst classification series and examine how each level differs from the next higher level.

    1/31/2024 – Meeting Recap

    Please review the agenda and meeting content. You will find the respective slides and attachments pertaining to each topic below.

    CNC Statewide Meeting Agenda 1/31/24​

    Workday Reminders

    • Salary selectives:  Reminder when processing selective changes, be sure to look at workers and positions (including vacant positions).
    • CMP | Workers with Mismatched Job Profile/Grade Profile - please continue to work this report.  Workers on this list may need their job profile or grade profile corrected.  Note: workers impacted by of salary selectives may appear on this report.


    Equal Pay Analysis

    Equal Pay Analysis Update - 01.2024

    Please note that the truncations are effective April 1, 2024, and the executive branch Equal Pay Analysis is effective June 1, 2024. This means that we will implement the truncations as bargained as least cost implementation, then the executive branch Equal Pay analysis will be performed according to the new truncated salary ranges. Generally speaking, this will likely have a ripple effect on most people in the identified classification.

    This information has been shared with your HR Director at the January meeting.


    Position Number Changes

    When agencies have position number changes after a classification review, typically on an establishment, the agency needs to make the request to the CNC inbox.  With this request they need to include that it is a previously approved position and provide an updated position description, analysis, and ORG chart that all align with the new position numbers.  DAS CNC will re-issue the memo with the updated position numbers.  It is important to resubmit the original package with the new positions numbers that align so that both the agency and DAS CHRO has a correct request that align with the established position numbers.  DAS CNC does not ask the agency to recreate any of the analysis or position description, just to update the documentation to align with the newly established position numbers. 


    Customer Service Survey

    We are working on a quarterly customer service survey that will be deployed in Q2 of 2024. We anticipate doing a random distribution of the survey based on those who have interacted with the DAS CnC team over the first quarter of 2024. The customer service survey is based on DAS's customer service Key Performance Measure (KPM), which includes timeliness, accuracy, helpfulness, knowledge/expertise, availability of information, and overall satisfaction.

    We are very interested in receiving the feedback and constructive suggestions about how we can improve. Please keep your eyes out for it.


    Effective Date

    We recently asked agencies whether the “Effective Date" field on the PD template (Section 1c.) was useful. As a follow-up, we will no longer be requiring that field to be filled in on the PD. We will get the PD template updated soon.


    Pay Equity Reminders

    • With all the salary selectives that workday is processing, we are updating the pay equity calculator more often. Please ensure you are going to the website link to access the latest version of the calculator.
    • Additionally, with the salary selective updates workday is processing, please prioritize updating the affected employees. Delay in processing can affect an employee's compensation (over/under payments), but also impacts the Equal Pay Project and Budget. 
    • During the Equal Pay Analysis, we will need to continue the ongoing requested pay equity reviews. CBA and policy outline processes and timelines for these reviews, including the effective date. Please continue to process these as you normally would and send any recommended for an increase to CNC team for approval.


    Class Study Updates

    The class study website has been updated with class study allocation information. Agencies impacted by last biennium's class studies should visit that web site and begin gearing up for their allocations. The first step is to gather all related PDs and make sure they are updated and signed by their appointing authority. Second step is to update all org charts with the correct positions structure and information.

    • The Engineering class study is complete and is expected to go to bargaining next week. The changes will impact ODOT and ODFW.  Allocations will be expected from them.
    • The Social Services Specialist Series study is nearly complete. They are developing their CET presentation and scheduled to deliver it at the end of February.
    • The Wildland Fire Dispatcher is also nearly complete, and they are developing their CET presentation. It is not yet scheduled for delivery.
    • The Internal Auditor management series is being finalized. More to come on that.
    • The new class studies bargained for this biennium are in partly in preparation, partly holding (see attached). Deadlines for those studies are in 2025.


    Office Hours

    These are opportunities to ask specific questions you might have related to pay equity or classification issues or challenges you're having or discuss specific topics that you might need clarification on or don't fully understand.  These are not formal training sessions and there will not be a formal training provided, but advice, guidance, assistance, and help is provided by the CNC team.

    • Pay Equity Office Hours – February 13, 10:00 am – 11:00 am
    • Classification Office Hours – February 20, 10:00 am – 11:00 am


    Compensation Changes Document

    We are compiling a summary document of all compensation changes that we hope to have out to the HR community the week of February 5. This summary document will list, by representation, selectives, truncations, and other changes to differentials (allowances). We are waiting to include the information from this month's report to Ways and Means so the list has all the information to date.


    Delegated Authority

    The Delegated Authority program is available for HR Directors. On the CnC website, there is an application form requesting delegated authority to approve classifications. Once received by the CnC, the applications are evaluated, and recommendations are provided to Jessica Knieling for her consideration and approval. Currently, delegated authority is available for the 23-25 biennium. The CHRO conducts audits of submissions every six months to ensure documentation is complete. Since the program's inception, 880 position classifications have been approved at the agency level.

    Budget Build - Positions

    We know that you are and will continue to be busy with assisting your agency leadership with classification analyses for 2025-27 budget build in the coming months.

    As a reminder, in late 2022 we published the CnC Notification Form to our website. This form should be completed and submitted to DAS CnC when agencies are submitting classification reviews of more than 15 positions at one time. We request that agencies fill this out appropriately two weeks in advance of when you anticipate submitting your reviews to us, so we can plan our resources accordingly.

    Again, we know you'll be working with your agency's leadership and program managers to develop new position descriptions and org. charts in support of your agency's Policy Option Package (POP) requests over the next several months. To help support you in these efforts, we've provided a high-level slide deck and will be reviewing questions you can ask and where to look for information to help you (and your program managers) write a good PD, which in turn, will assist you in writing a thorough analysis for CnC review.

    Esoteric Tips for the Classification Expert​

    2/28/2024 – Meeting Recap

    Please review the meeting content.  You will find the respective slides and attachments pertaining to each topic below.


    Salary Selectives

    Just a reminder – Workday has made many updates to the compensation structures due to salary selectives. Please continue to prioritize making appropriate updates to affected employees. Delays in processing can affect an employee's compensation (over/under payments) and impacts the Equal Pay Project and Budget projections.


    Minimum Qualifications

    We are reviewing MQs to make some edits and clean up some language. This is to be in alignment with policy and to keep up with the changing recruitment technology. What we want to be sure to avoid is any roadblocks to the application process. We will be removing the language regarding the requirement for transcripts. You may still request them, just not during the application process. We are also removing language such as “course work may be substituted for sixth months of experience. See the very cryptic chart below. Maybe there is a chart maybe there isn't. We're replacing that with the more flexible and inclusive, “An equivalent combination of relevant education, training, and experience."


    Training of the Month


    Position Description and Analysis Writing Guide – Part 1


    We review a position description, examine the relevant classifications, and then review the analysis written to establish the position.  This training includes tips and guidance for reviewing the position description, selecting the relevant classifications, and writing the analysis.​

    3/20/2024 – Meeting Recap

    Please review the agenda and meeting content. You will find the respective slides and attachments pertaining to each topic below.


    CNC Statewide Meeting Agenda 03/20/2024


    Workday HCM Reminders


    Workday HCM Reminders


    April 1 Truncations


    April 1 is quickly approaching, and we have hundreds of classifications that are being truncated. Truncation, as most of you know, is removing a certain number of steps from the bottom of the salary range, which makes the entry step higher and condenses the salary range.  


    We are working to prepare for these truncations, including updating the pay equity calculator. On April 1, the pay equity calculator will be updated and posted to the link, and it will include the truncated ranges.  


    Prior to April 1, if you are processing a pay equity, you will want to confirm if the classification is affected by the truncation and what that means for the candidate or employee. Please continue to use the pay equity calculator to determine step placement.  


    • If your candidate is being offered a position and will start on or before March 31 – you may want to include language in the offer letter that explains their movement effective April 1, due to the range truncation.  
    • If your candidate is being offered a position and will start on or after April 1 – if the calculator places the candidate on a step in the salary range that is not affected by truncation, then that step is appropriate. If the calculator places the candidate on a step in the salary range that is impacted by the truncation, please adjust accordingly. For example: if the calculator results in step 1, and the bottom two steps are being removed, then the salary placement is step 3 (as it will be the new first step in the salary range).  
    • If you have an unscheduled pay equity request – if the classification is impacted by the range truncation, depending on the request date, if the calculator places the employee on a step in the salary range that is not affected by truncation, then that step is appropriate. If the calculator places the employee on a step in the salary range that is impacted by the truncation, please adjust accordingly. For example: if the calculator results in step 1, and the bottom two steps are being removed, then the salary placement is step 3 (as it will be the new first step in the salary range). After a final decision is made (and DAS has approved, if necessary) you will want to ensure the employee understands how their salary will be adjusted.  


    Please ensure to pass along this information to your recruiters or other HR staff who this may impact.  


    New Pay Equity website is LIVE! This provides a general webpage and additional pages dedicated to the Equal Pay Analysis and ongoing Pay Equity Assessments. For the Pay Equity Assessments page, we've added a contact list to provide employees a contact at their agency for unscheduled pay equity requests and questions. If your agency is not listed, we do not have a contact for your agency. Please email us - 


    Class Study Updates


    The new Internal Auditor Chief Executive 1-3 class series is complete. It needs to be reported to the Legislature in an eBoard letter before we can implement. Agencies that have positions they believe will reallocate to this new series should prepare for allocation. (contact Audrey for further questions/assistance).


    The Human Services Specialist class study begins today.


    The wildland Fire Dispatcher class study is wrapping up and will be reported to LRU next week. Bargaining will take place after that.


    The Social Services Specialist class study is also wrapping up and will be reported to LRU next month for bargaining.


    The Business Analyst class study is currently underway. This class new class is expected to take the place of the OPA series for work related to business and data analysis specifically. The OPA will not be going away as a result of this study.


    DOC's mailroom specialist class study will begin soon.


    Case Management


    DAS CNC is transitioning away from receiving classification reviews (including reclassifications, position establishments, FLSA changes, etc.) by email and moving toward receiving agency requests through Case Management in Workday. We are making this transition for a variety of reasons - among them, greater transparency with you so you can easily see the status of the requests you have submitted to us.


    We know that many of you are currently using Case Management within your agencies and are familiar with the flow and exchange of information. If you are set up in Case Management, please feel free to begin to use Case Management to submit requests to us immediately.


    We also are aware that some agencies are not using Case Management and will need some time to learn the process and establish case solving teams to submit requests to us via Case Management. If you are not currently set up to submit requests to us via Case Management, you can continue to submit agency requests to us via our email address until the end of the year.


    However, as of January 1, 2025, all classification review requests submitted via email will not be processed. Instead, they will be declined and referred to the Workday Case Management system. This deadline gives agencies a nine-month glide path, allowing time to plan for and transition to Case Management.


    **Clarification: for now, all Equal Pay Analysis requests for unscheduled salary adjustments, appeals, etc. will continue to be managed through our email.**


    Attached is the presentation shared at the Statewide Class/Comp meeting yesterday for your information. An important part of this process is found on slide 10, which outlines the information we need including:


    • Title Line Naming Convention:
      • “Action Item Type, (WD/PPDB ID), (Incumbent or Classification if Vacant)"
    • Detailed Message Text Field Template:
      • Action Item Type
      • Agency
      • Requested by/ Supervisor
      • Workday Position Number (“TBD" if unavailable)
      • PPDB Position Number (“TBD" if unavailable)
      • Current Classification
      • Proposed Classification
      • Case to be shared with


    Thank you for your attention to this matter and your cooperation in making this transition smooth and successful. Do not hesitate to reach out to us at for assistance in this transition.


    Case Management Presentation


    Budget Kick-Off – Positions


    The following slides were shared during the March 14, 2024, meeting with agency budget directors.


    2024 Budget Kick-Off 03/14/2024


    Training of the Month


    Position Description and Analysis Writing Guide – Part 2


    We finish up last month's training by discussing how to have a discussion with the manager about the position to obtain additional information so you can evaluate the position description, organizational chart considerations, and useful reminders about the classification analysis.​

    4/24/2024 – Meeting Recap

    ​Please review the meeting content. You will find the respective slides and attachments pertaining to each topic below.

    Training of the Month

    This month's training will be discussing the Supervisor 1 and 2 levels, the Manager 1-3 levels, and the Administrator levels to help answer questions and clarify the differences between them.​​

    Overview of Supervisor Levels

    5/29/2024 – Meeting Recap

    Please review the agenda and meeting content. You will find the respective slides and attachments pertaining to each topic below.

    CnC Statewide Meeting Agenda 05/29/2024

    Workday HCM Reminders​

    Salary Selectives:

    • Please continue to make the update any remaining salary selectives. Please be sure both Workers and Positions have been updated – including vacant and non-budgeted positions.


    • If you have not, please complete your validations for truncations, including the review/update variable dollar allowances (such as WOC).

    No Retro Prior to Date

    • As a reminder, the No Retro Prior to Date will be updating to December 1, 2023, on April 25, 2024.  Please work closely with your payroll department on retro change, particularly those prior to 12/1/23 as manual calculation will be needed.

    A few helpful Reports:

    • ​CMP | Workers with Mismatched Job Profile/Grade Profile

    • CMP | Compensation Changes Report

    • HCM | Current Worker Detail Report

    • CMP | Compensation Changes for Workers with Amount Allowance Plan

    • BGT | Position Management Detail Report

    • HCM | Employee Events by Selection Report

    • CMP | Workers Off Step (within Range)

    • CMP | Workers Above Max or Below Min

    • More reports available: Human Resources Reports worklet.

    Equal Pay Project

    2024 Equal Pay Methodology Presentation​ 

    For employees as of 1/10/2024 who haven’t changed jobs:

    • ​Agency validation of time in position and relevant experience complete – thank you for all of your work getting this done!

    • HR departments will receive lists of those employees receiving an increase as a result of the analysis in mid-July

    • All employees will receive a notice of their results from the Equal Pay Analysis in mid-July. Notices will contain:

      • Experience, education, and time in position used in the analysis

      • Appeal rights and process (we will again be using the process in Workday for appeal submissions) 

    DAS will pull a second set of data to reflect new employees or those employees who have changed jobs from 1/11/2024 through 5/31/2024.

    • We will do an iterative process, reflected above, to ensure that all employees are examined using the new methodology in the Equal Pay Analysis

    Equal Pay Calculator

    • ​Will be posted on the DAS Class/Comp website

    • Agencies will use calculator and outcome of calculator for all salary placements. Agencies will no longer be able to make exceptions to the step placement, unless CBA or policy is more beneficial to the employee (e.g., upon promotion). Updated Pay Practices policy, effective 6/1/24, will be sent by end of the week.

    • If agencies have made job offers to employees who begin work June 1 or later, please use the new calculator and re-run the pay equity assessment. If the salary step increases, please re-issue job offer letter.

    • The May 30, 2024, demonstration and training will be recorded and uploaded into Workday Learning.

    CHRO Updates

    Class Study Updates

    The Internal Auditor Chief Executive series is in implementation, and agencies are submitting their allocation reviews. For those still working on their allocations, a plug on org charts: It’s important that agencies have org charts that illustrate the hierarchy and workflow, rather than the administrative oversight. This is especially important for the IACE series. The distinguishing feature of this series is the reporting structure. If the org chart shows the administrative oversight rather than the actual reporting and hierarchical structure, there will be kick back, which means delays and more work for you, so please be sure to provide an accurate org chart.​

    The Engineering series, Social Service Specialist series, and the Wildland Fire Dispatcher study results are in bargaining as we speak. More to come on that when we have LOAs. Agencies that use these classes, please begin thinking about preparing for implementation.  Visit the class study web page for information and guidance. 

    Department of Administrative Ser​vices : Classification Studies : Chief Human Resources Office : State of Oregon

    The Human Services Specialist series is in phase one and is coming along nicely. We hope to have the revised specs completed soon. We do anticipate changes to the series structure. For agencies that use it and have not been involved, please contact Audrey Powell for information.​

    The new Business Analyst class study is expected to begin in July.

    Other studies we are obligated to work on, pursuant to LOA, this biennium are:

    • The DEI series

    • Firefighter

    • Lieutenant

    • Captain

    • Corrections Food Service Worker

    • Mailroom Specialist - OR State Pen (DOC)

    FLSA Threshold Changes

    Effective July 1, 2024, the salary threshold for FLSA status is increasing to $3,657/month. There is a new FLSA worksheet available on the CnC website.

    Effective 7/1/2024 through 12/31/2024 – FLSA Designation Worksheet

    There will be another increase in the salary threshold effective January 1, 2025. Closer to December 2024, a new FLSA worksheet will be made available to reflect that increase. Announcements will be made later in the year. 

    There is a new Workday report designed to help agencies audit filled positions for FLSA and salary thresholds. HCM | FLSA Validation Report (2024-2025)

    If positions are evaluated and determined to move from exempt to non-exempt, complete an FLSA analysis and submit to CHRO CnC. An approval memo will be issued. 

    When making changes to an employee’s profile, be sure to change the job profile to reflect the non-exempt version of the classification (EX: Operations & Policy Analyst 3 – Exempt to Operations & Policy Analyst 3 – Non-exempt).

    FLSA Validation Report

    Workday Case Management

    As a reminder, and with the exception of Equal Pay appeals and unscheduled salary adjustments, as of January 1, 2025, all requests to DAS CnC must be submitted through Workday Case Management.

    This transition was announced in March, via the HR ListServs and discussed at the Statewide Class/Comp meeting; we will continue to provide reminders.

    Case Management Update

    Unclassified (executive) Service

    In collaboration with the Department of Justice, the CHRO CnC developed a guidance document to assist agencies with evaluating positions for unclassified service (aka executive service). There are step-by-step procedures, including reviewing agency enabling statutes and applying the State Personnel Relations Law (ORS 240.205). Included is a glossary, worksheet, and conditions of employment statements. 

    Unclassified (executive) Service Evaluation Process​

    If you have any questions about the guidance document, please contact Anna Chamberland,

    Biannual Delegated Authority Audit Time

    Every six months, the CHRO CnC team conducts audits of delegated authority approvals to help ensure the integrity of the classification plan. It is time to once again conduct this audit. We are asking agency HR directors to submit any classification approvals made over the last six months to us before June 30, 2024. These classification approvals can be submitted through Workday Case Management or to the CnC Inbox and must contain the following documents: Position Description, Organizational Chart, Analysis, and Approval Memo from the HR Director. 

    If an agency HR Director is interested in obtaining delegated authority to approve certain classifications, please visit this website: Position Establishment Delegated Authority.docx and submit to the CnC Inbox for processing. 

    If you have any questions about delegated authority, please contact Anna Chamberland. 

    Training Poll

    Thank you for participating in our training poll – here are the results:

    1. Have you found the training topics to be relevant to your work?
    • Yes
    • No
    ​​​​100% responded with Yes. ​

    2. Have you found the trainings to be helpful?
    • ​Yes
    • No​
    95% responded with Yes. 

    3. Do you use what you’ve learned in your work?
    • It's easy for me to apply the training to my classification work.
    • The training has not helped me perform or improve my classification work.
    85% responded with “It’s easy for me to apply the training to my classification work.” 

    4. Do you know where the training slide decks are posted? 
    • Yes
    • No
    62% responded with No. 

    5. Are the training slide decks helpful to you while performing your classification work? 
    • ​Yes
    • No

    ​83% responded with Yes.​ 

    6/26/2024 – Meeting Recap

    ​Please review the meeting content. You will find the respective slides and attachments pertaining to each topic below.


    Equal Pay Project

    Anticipated timeline below:

    • Week of June 24 – agencies will receive a spreadsheet of their employees considered in this window (both receiving an increase and not)

    • July 10-July 12 – Workday Oregon will load compensation changes

    • July 10-July 17 – Workday Oregon will load employee calculators (to each employee's Workday profile)

    • No later than July 17 – All employee email will be sent containing information about the project, where employees can find their calculator in Workday, and appeal rights.

    • Week of July 15 – DAS will provide agency HR offices with their error report as a result of the mass load

      • Once your agency has received your error report – please process compensation changes prior to payroll cutoff.

    • July 25 – payroll cutoff

    If your agency would like to reduce the number of errors due to in-progress actions, the following reports are available in Workday:

    • 'CMP | In Progress Compensation Changes'

    • 'HCM | Employee Events in Progress by Selected Initiated and Effective Dates'


    Class Study Updates

    Status updates for active class studies can be found below:

    • New – In Preparation: Business Analyst, Captain (Military), Corrections Food Service Worker, DEI, Firefighter (Military), Human Services Case Manager, Lieutenant (Military), Mailroom Specialist – OR State Pen (DOC)

    • In Bargaining: Associate in Engineering, Civil Engineer Specialist, Engineering Specialist Entry, Engineering Technician, Environmental Engineer, Fingerprint Technician, Laboratory Technician 1-2, Professional Engineer, Social Services Specialist Series, Student Engineering Specialist

    • Completed – Implementing: Internal Auditor (Management Structure)

    • Completed – No Change: Facilities Engineer


    Training of the Month

    In April, we presented Part 1 of our training on the difference between the management levels. We will continue with Part 2 of this training by providing an overview of the different levels within each classification series (Supervisor, Manager, and Administrator).

    Overview of Management Levels​​

    7/31/2024 – Meeting Recap

    Please review the agenda and meeting content. You will find the respective slides and attachments pertaining to each topic below.

    CnC Statewide Meeting Agenda 7/31/2024


    Equal Pay Project

    Corrected final spreadsheets were sent out Monday (7/29).

    • This identified employees that were included in phase 1, and showed employees who had corrections and those that were moved to phase 2.

    • Included (not all agencies) a list of employees moved to phase 2 – which only identified employees moving due to 'no agency validation'. There are still thousands of employees included in phase 2 that have not been sent to you. This population still includes those that were hired or changed jobs from 1/10/24-5/31/24, and many that were moved to phase 2 due to compensation structure issues, compensation plan issues, and vendor errors. Phase 2 will include employees that were hired before 6/1/24 and were not included in phase 1.


    Equal Pay Analysis is a project conducted by DAS in partnership with Segal. If an employee in phase 1 did not receive credit for their education or has an issue with their experience or time in classification – they need to appeal. Please do not conduct your own analysis and process compensation changes. If the agency wishes to provide an increase for an employee, the process for that is the unscheduled requests, which still need to be approved by DAS. Some of these are on hold currently, while we continue to work on the Equal Pay Analysis. If you have concerns or questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.

    Continue to use the pay equity email box to communicate with us. We have several members of the project team checking the inbox and responding. This allows us to track questions that are coming in and provides project staff the opportunity to step away from work and your questions can still be answered.

    Important dates:

    July 23 – corrected calculators for 6500 employees were uploaded to Workday (employees notified July 25).

    July 25 – All-employee email sent and the appeal window begins. Specific email communications to employees with incorrect calculators, incorrect compensation, and those moved to phase 2.

    July 29 – Corrected agency spreadsheets sent AND some employees that were moved to phase 2. This is not encompassing of all employees in phase 2. As a reminder – employees that were hired prior to 6/1/24 and were not reviewed in phase 1, will be reviewed in phase 2. The effective date for compensation increases as a result of the analysis is June 1, 2024, with the same appeal rights and process.

    August 24 – appeal deadline

    • DAS will be reviewing and responding to all appeal requests received through workday as a result of the Equal Pay Analysis. If you are receiving appeal requests from employees at your agency, please direct them to the appeal link in the all-employee email they received 7/25 or it's posted to our webpage as well.

    Phase 2 – Phase 2 will commence this fall. We are currently working with Segal and our partners at Workday HCM to develop a more specific timeline. Phase 2 will mimic phase 1 and will include agency validation (anticipate late September early October) for those employees recommended for an increase. We will communicate with those in phase 2 once the review has been completed and provide them an opportunity to appeal.



    • Not all employees went through agency validation! If you look at an employee calculator and see that experience was missing or is counted as relevant and you disagree with it – it's possible they were not reviewed. Everyone gets an Equal Pay review when they change positions, and we should not be considering what their document in Workday currently shows.

    • The data used is a snapshot in time - January 10, 2024. Workday is a live system; employees can make changes at any time. Please keep this in mind when reviewing job history and education information, you can see what was added or changed and the date it was done.

    • We received questions about saving Equal Pay calculators for new hires and position changes in Workday. Until we can change the business process, and in an effort of transparency, please share the calculator with your candidate/employee. This will allow them to see what was considered and may highlight experience or education that wasn't considered (i.e., it wasn't provided, or it isn't relevant experience).

    • Education – for the Equal Pay Analysis, education was counted if the degree received field had a 'yes'. If it was 'no' or blank, we did not count it. Instructions were provided to all-staff several times in November and December on how to update this and those employees with a blank in the 'degree received' field received multiple emails individually highlighting this.

      • If you are performing an Equal Pay Review – please ensure the degree received is marked 'yes' or you have information from the candidate that it's received (i.e., resume) before you count it. You can click on the school and see the degree received field.

    • There is a lot of information on our webpage! Please continue to review the information and refer your agency staff to it as well.


    Class Study Updates

    Status updates for active class studies can be found below:

    • Coordinating Schedules: Corrections Food Service Worker (DOC), Firefighter (Military), Lieutenant (Military), Captain (Military)

    • In Process: Human Services Case Manager, Business Analyst

    • In Bargaining: Engineering Specialist Entry, Engineering Technician, Environmental Engineer, Social Services Specialist Series, Wildland Fire Dispatcher

    • Preparing for CET Valuation: Human Services Specialist Series

    • Completed – Implementing: Internal Auditor (Management Structure)

    Field visits for the Mailroom Specialist (DOC) study are scheduled for August-September. We are currently preparing a Spiritual Leader study for the spiritual services offered to the incarcerated or residents in State institutions. DEI, Utility and Energy Analysts 1-3 (PUC), and Supervising Wildland Fire class studies are currently on hold.


    Workday HCM Reminders

    Case Management Update


    Analysis Forms

    For reclassification requests, please continue to use the position establishment template​ for any position establishments. Please do not use the form for reclassification requests. The documentation for reclassifications needs a more robust analysis, including in the background what has changed, what duties have been added, etc.



    Training of the Month

    We will continue with our training by providing part 3 of the Supervisor, Manager, and Administrator levels with an overview of the Administrators.

    Overview of Administrator Levels​​

    8/28/2024 – Meeting Recap

    Please review the meeting content. You will find the respective slides and attachments pertaining to each topic below.​

    Equal Pay Project

    The Phase 2 timeline for the Equal Pay Project has been published to our website.

    • There is a tight two-week turnaround timeline for agency validation, which will occur the last two weeks of September. Please start having conversations within your HR departments now to help plan for resourcing.
    • There are approximately 6,000 employees in Phase 2 who will be reviewed for potential salary adjustments.

    We have received around 3,000 appeals from Phase 1, and would like to thank the team of agency analysts who are helping work through these appeals!


    Lead Work


    Training of the Month

    This month's training went over the different Management Service designations — Managerial, Confidential, and Supervisory.

    ​Management Service Designations​​

    10/30/2024 – Meeting Recap

    Please review the agenda and meeting content. You will find the respective slides and attachments ​pertaining to each topic below.

    CNC Statewide Meeting Agenda 10/30/2024

    Equal Pay Project

    Greetings —


    This week, DAS will provide agency HR offices spreadsheet(s) with guidance on validating equal pay results and preparing for compensation error reports.

    Agencies will receive error report spreadsheets from DAS as a result of the mass compensation load into Workday. Once your agency has received your error report — please cross reference your spreadsheets and process compensation changes for your errors prior to payroll cutoff.


    Agencies will provide DAS with their second list of "On Hold" unscheduled reviews for employees in phase 2 by the end of November. The Phase 2 employee appeal window is estimated to open from mid-November to mid-December.

    1/29/2025 – Meeting Recap
    Please review the meeting content. You will find the respective slides and attachments pertaining to each topic below.