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Extended Enterprise Learner Resources

Welcome to the Extended Enterprise Learner (EEL) Resource page!

Need to take training provided by the state of Oregon? Start by creating your EEL account. Review the information provided about the different learning opportunites being provided by state agencies in the Account Creation Links section on this page. You may do business with the state and need to take training related to that, or you may be required to complete training to get or maintain a certification. 

Review the Create an Extended Enterprise Learner Account document to become familiar with the account creation process.

Already have a Workday Learning account?

If you already have a Workday learning account sign in here: Select the 'Sign in Using a Personal Device' option to sign into your account. Only use the Account Creation Links to create a new account. If you have a learning account and need assistance signing in, reach out to the learning support for the agency that provides your training. Do not create duplicate accounts, we are not able to merge accounts causing you to have an incomplete training record.

Create Your Workday Account

Find the name of the training or program you need, click on the title for additional information, then use the link to request your new Workday account.  Allow up to 24 hours for your account request to be processed, requests made outside of standard business hours will be reviewed and processed on the next business day.


Locate the program or service provider you work with or need to take take training from:

Sign in to an existing​ Workday account here.​

​The Oregon Secretary of State’s Corporation Division provides training and certification for notaries. The Division offers in-person training, webinars, and self-paced online training to apply for a notary commission, and advanced and refresher trainings for current notaries. 

All trainings require registration through Workday. The final exam is administered through the Secretary of State website.

Use this link to create a new Workday Learning account and access available trainings:  Secretary of State Affiliation​.

Important: If you already have a Workday Learning account, have any questions, or need assistance with signing into your account, contact:  ​

Sign in to an existing​ Workday account here.

The Oregon Department of Education is committed to foster equity and excellence for every learner through collaboration with educators, partners, and communities. We provide training to our partners to support a positive impact on children's lives. Look for the partner group you are aligned with to access training specific to you.

Sign in to an existing​ Workday account here.

​In accordance with ORS 342.123, applicants for initial licenseure are required to demonstrate knowledge of Civil Rights laws and Professional Ethics standards. Many applicants meet this requirement through coursework in their educator preparation programs or through available classes at community college. For those wh do not meet the requirement through existing programming, TSPC has created modules to allow license applicants to meet the Civil Rights and Professional Ethics knowledge requirement. To access the available training, create your account in the TSPC Affiliation.

If you need additional information, visit the TSPC page on Becoming an Educator​​.

Sign in to an existing​ Workday account here.

If you need to take procurement training to obtain or maintain the following certifications:

  • ​Contract Administration Training Certificate
  • Oregon Procurement Basic Certification (OPCB)
  • Oregon Procurement Intermediate Certification (OPIC)
  • Oregon Procurement Advanced Certification (OPAC)
  • Equal Pay Training
​​Use this link to create your Workday Learning account and access the appropriate courses: Department of Administrative Services​. 

Sign in to an existing​ Workday account here.

If you need to take training or certification for the following focus areas:

  • Construction - ODOT SPDB Construction
  • Department of Motor Vehicles - ODOT DMV
  • Engineering - ODOT SPDB Engineering
  • Procurement - ODOT PROC local liaison agencies
  • Any other type of training ODOT offers to external agencies and learners​
Use this link to create a Workday Learning account and access course(s): Department of Transportation - Affiliation​

Please note and plan your training schedule accordingly: Workday Learning account requests are processed on Tuesday and Thursday each week.

Sign in to an existing​ Workday account here.​

Oregon WIC offers staff training for WIC Local Agency staff and WIC contactors for providing WIC services to participants. Please use this link to create an account to browse and enroll in courses for WIC Staff shared with the Oregon Health Authority catalog. 

For additional information about this program, visit the OHA Partners, Providers, Contractors, Volunteers, and Non-State Affiliates​​ webpage.​

Sign in to an existing​ Workday account here.​

The Department of Revenue, Property Tax Division provides training and continuing education for registered appraisers within the State of Oregon. To qualify as a registered property appraiser under ORS 308.010, you mush meet certain training and education criteria, then file an application and pass an exam. Submit an Application for registered Appraiser online. For more information regarding the appraiser registration process and trainee program please follow the link: Appraiser Registration process and trainee program.

To create your Workday Learning account use this link: Department of Revenue Affiliation​

Sign in to an existing​ Workday account here.​

​The Public Employees Retirement System (PERS) provides training to Oregon PERS-participating employers. This training is provided by the Employer Service Center to help you understand PERS and how to report employee data correctly. If you would like to enroll in one of these courses, and do not already have a Workday Learning account, use this link to create an account and access the available training.

The Department of Public Safety Standards and Training (DPSST) provides training to Private Security Providers working in the State of Oregon. The DPSST offers online training and testing for new and renewing Private Security Managers and Supervisors, renewing Private Security Instructors, Event and Entertainment Private Security Professionals and testing for Private Security Firearms Instructor.

Constituents who have attended a live or online instructor led training must take their final exams online using Workday.

If you would like to enroll in one of these courses, and do not already have a Workday Learning Account, use this link to create an account and access the available training: DPSST - Affiliation​

Important: If you already have a Workday Learning account, have any questions, or need assistance with signing into your account, contact:  ​

Sign in to an existing​ Workday account here.​

The Oregon Health Authority (OHA) offers community partners, providers, contractors, volunteers, and non-state affiliates access to training opportunities in relation to providing services on the behalf of OHA only. To browse and enroll for courses in the shared OHA learning catalog please use this link to create an account.​

For additional information about this program, visit the OHA Partners, Providers, Contractors, Volunteers, and Non-State Affiliates​​ webpage.

Sign in to an existing​ Workday account here.​​

The Oregon Department of Forestry provides training opportunities for landowners, volunteers, contractors, and other external partners. To browse and enroll for courses in the shared learning catalog, please use the link below.

Sign in to an existing​ Workday account here.​​

Oregon State Hospital (OSH) offers community partners, providers, contractors, volunteers, and non-state affiliates access to training opportunities in relation to providing services on the behalf of OHA and OSH only. To browse and enroll for courses in the shared OHA and OSH learning catalog please use this link to create an account. 

For additional information about this program, visit the OHA Partners, Providers, Contractors, Volunteers, and Non-State Affiliates​​ webpage.

Sign in to an existing​ Workday account here.​​

​The Legislature is committed to fostering a workplace that is respectful and inclusive and providing a process to ensure compliance with our rules and policies. Please visit the Legislative Equity Office's website​ for more information on this training. Use this link to create a Workday Learning account and access course(s): Oregon State Legislature Affiliation​.​​

If you have questions or need assistance contact:

Sign in to an existing​ Workday account here.

T​he Department of Administrative Services through the Chief Human Resources Office (CHRO) provides training to other governmental entities on various levels of project management and business analysis. If you would like to enroll in one of these courses, and do not already have a Workday Learning account, use this link to create an account and access the available training: Department of Administrative Services​​.​​

Sign in to an existing​ Workday account here.​​

​This training provides an overview of the Oregon Government Ethics law (ORS 244) and how it applies to all public officials. This training covers, who is considered a public official, prohibited use of position or office, private employment of public officials, conflicts of interest, gifts and nepotism.

Click here​ to sign in to Workday with your existing Workday accout.

Click this link​ to create a new Workday Learning account.​​

​The Secretary of State Office - State Archives provides training opportunities for external partners. To browse and enroll for courses in the shared learning catalog, please use the link below.

SOS - State Archives

Important: If you already have a Workday Learning account, have any questions, or need assistance with signing into your account, contact: ​​.   ​

Sign in to an existing​ Workday account here.

Learning Resources

Look below for available resources.