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District Liaison Officer Program

District Liaison Officers (DLO) are available to serve as a focal point in each administrative district to facilitate communications and to coordinate the distribution of resources between local organizations, the Fire Program, and the Board on Public Safety Standards and Training. DLO's are available to attend local training association meetings and to consult with fire chiefs, training officers, and community college officials when required. They may assist with task performance evaluation testing and conduct, on behalf of DPSST, Agency Accreditation Reviews (R-1). The Agency Accreditation Review determines what levels of certification and training you can provide in-house without seeking outside instructors. The DLO's strive to remain current in fire certification practices to provide the most up-to-date information available from DPSST. DPSST has 23 DLO's throughout the state. Each DLO serves voluntarily and deserves credit for his/her dedication and selfless efforts. Their contributions are valuable to the work of the Board and play a significant role in the success of the Fire Certification Program.


 DLO Contact List