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DPSST Statutes (ORS) and Rules (OAR)

DPSST Statutes (ORS) and Rules (OAR)

The Department of Public Safety Standards and Training (DPSST) and the Board on Public Safety Standards and Training (Board), adopt administrative rules that set the minimum standards for training and the certification or licensure of criminal justice public safety professionals, fire service professionals, private security providers, private investigators, and polygraph examiners. These rules help DPPST carry out statutory requirements and act in accordance with the Agency's mission, to promote excellence in public safety.

For all of the Oregon Administrative Rules (OAR) adopted by DPSST and the Board please visit the Oregon Secretary of State.

For all of the Oregon Revised Statutes (ORS) that govern the Board's certification and licensure programs please visit the Oregon State LegislatureORS Chapter 181A includes criminal justice public safety professionals, fire service professionals, and private security providers. ORS Chapter 703 includes polygraph examiners and private investigators.

Proposed Rule Changes

DPSST filed Notices of Proposed Rulemaking for the following administrative rules. Proposed rulemaking includes rule changes that are under consideration, but not yet adopted. All agency rulemaking notices are published by the Secretary of State in the Oregon Bulletin

DPSST welcomes comments on proposed rules. Written comments may be submitted by e-mail or mail to the following:
Mail: DPSST Rules Coordinator, 4190 Aumsville Hwy SE, Salem, OR 97317

The Rulemaking Document provided with each rule change below provides a copy of the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking showing the rule text revisions (additions shown with underlined text and deletions shown with strikethrough text).

OAR 259-009-0087 outlines the standards and processes for accrediting fire service agency training programs. These proposed rule changes help align the rule with current processes and best practices.​​

​Amending: OAR 259-009-0087

Last Day for Comment: September 30, 2024​​

Temporary Rules

DPSST filed Temporary Administrative Orders for the following temporary administrative rules. The Rulemaking Document provided with each rule change below provides a copy of the Temporary Administrative Order showing the rule text revisions (additions shown with underlined text and deletions shown with strikethrough text). 

Recent Permanent Rule Changes

DPSST filed Permanent Administrative Orders for the following administrative rules. The Rulemaking Document provided with each rule change below provides a copy of the Permanent Administrative Order showing the rule text revisions (additions shown with underlined text and deletions shown with strikethrough text). Each permanent rule change is available through the Secretary of State beginning on the effective date of the rule change. The list includes Orders filed within the past 180 days.

OAR 259-008-0500 designates the Oregon Accreditation Alliance and the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies (commonly known as CALEA) as accrediting bodies for law enforcement agencies. This rule change provides a technical correction to recognize the name change of the Oregon Accreditation Alliance to the Northwest Accreditation Alliance.

Amending: OAR 259-008-0500

Effective: July 25, 2024

OAR 259-008-0085 maintains the minimum standards for Board-approved mandated courses. Changes to the subject and hour breakdown for a course require Board approval. This rule change replaces the last Board-approved date with the new Board-approved date for the Basic Corrections Local Academy curriculum. The recommended subject and hour changes are minor and include a shift of one hour of training from one class to another, division of an eight-hour class into two separate four-hour classes, and some class title changes. The subject and hour changes were recommended to improve the course’s time management, content delivery, and alignment with adult learning.

Amending: OAR 259-008-0085

Effective: July 25, 2024

OAR 259-070-0010 includes clarifying information used to determine eligibility for Public Safety Memorial Fund benefits. This rule change adds recognition of the addition of OLCC regulatory specialists beginning January 1, 2024, pursuant to Senate Bill 699 (2023). This ​rule change also includes additions to recognize historical eligibility changes. The historical additions will not affect past eligibility or current beneficiaries.

Amending: OAR 259-070-0010

Effective: July 10, 2024

Beginning January 1, 2024, private security entities must obtain a license from the Department of Public Safety Standards and Training (DPSST) to operate as a private security entity. These are the permanent rules that are adopted for private security entity licensing requirements and processes. These rules replace the temporary rules.

These Temporary Rules were adopted as Permanent Rules. The were no significant changes to the rule text. Minor grammatical changes were included in some of these rules.
OAR 259-059-0010, 259-059-0020, 259-059-0030, 259-059-0040, 259-059-0050, 259-059-0070, 259-059-0090, 259-059-0095, 259-059-0100, 259-059-0110, 259-059-0120, 259-059-0130, 259-059-0140, 259-059-0160, 259-059-0170, 259-059-0180, 259-059-0190, 259-059-0200, 259-059-0300, 259-059-0310, 259-059-0400, 259-059-0420, 259-059-0430, and 259-059-0440

These Temporary Rules were adopted as Permanent Rules and they include substantive changes. 
OAR 259-059-0060, 259-059-0080, 259-059-0150, and 259-059-0410

​Effective: May 1, 2024​

​This rule change applies to licensed executive managers who contract their executive manager services to multiple businesses or entities. This rule change limits an executive manager’s contracted services to 10 businesses or entities at any one time. The rule change includes an option for an executive manager to request an exception to the limit.

​AMENDING: OAR 259-060-0130

Effective: May 1, 2024​​

This rule change implements the revised Basic Corrections Local Academy curriculum, as approved by the Board on Public Safety Standards and Training on January 25, 2024.

​Amending: OAR 259-008-0085

Effective: May 1, 2024

This rule change makes a correction to the October 1, 2023 amendments related to the procurement notice amount. The rule was amended in error. The correct notice amount is $10,000.

Amending: OAR 259-007-0150

Effective: March 18, 2024

​This rule change applies to licensed executive managers who contract their executive manager services to multiple businesses or entities. This rule change limits an executive manager’s contracted services to 10 businesses or entities at any one time. The rule change includes an option for an executive manager to request an exception to the limit.

AMENDING: OAR 259-060-0130​​

​Effective: May 1, 2024​

DPSST Rules Coordinator

Jennifer Howald
DPSST, 4190 Aumsville Hwy SE, Salem, OR 97317

How to Request Notice of DPSST Rule Changes

There are two ways to request notice of DPSST's rule changes. Both options allow you to request notices for all rule changes or to request notices just for the certification or licensure program you are interested in.
1. Signup for GovDelivery e-mail notifications. 
2. Write or e-mail the DPSST Rules Coordinator to submit your request.