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March 11, 2024 Update: At the direction of Governor Kotek and the Oregon Transportation Commission, we have stopped work on the Regional Mobility Pricing Program and have begun to slow our efforts for the I-205 Toll Project and the remainder of the Oregon Toll Program. 

We are working to wrap up various efforts to ensure our future readiness for a revived toll program if the Oregon Legislature re-affirms the direction to implement tolls in the Portland metro region. 

The primary reason we are stopping work on our regional tolling program is that despite years of work with community leaders and local and regional elected officials, it is clear a regional tolling program cannot meet the needs expressed by our local partners while also meeting the needs of Oregonians statewide at this time. With spending set to increase significantly, it was the right time to stop work on a regional tolling program and look to the Oregon Legislature for direction on how to fund major projects and the future of tolling in Oregon.   ​

Construction will continue on the I-205Abernethy Bridge Project​; however, with the governor’s direction, plans to collect tolls on the bridge in 2026 are paused. Toll revenue was expected to cover roughly $400 million of the project’s total cost.  

ODOT has identified a shortfall of $300 million to complete the Abernethy Bridge now that tolling revenue is no longer available. Now, we are working with our legislative partners to receive direction on how to pay for the project, which may include alternative funding sources, direction to resume tolling, or direction to reallocate funding from other projects. Until the Legislature provides any further direction, the Oregon Transportation Commission will need to identify projects that can be cut to fund this shortfall.​

We do not have any current plans to toll U.S. 26 or HWY 217. The Westside Multimodal Improvement Study​ Steering Committee, which was convened by ODOT and Metro, identified tolling as one part of a suite of recommended improvements to the west Portland metro area. Following the governor's direction, that project team will work to understand how to move forward with the Steering Committee's recommendation. 

We have many improvement projects underway, including the OR 217 Auxiliary Lanes Project, the I-5 Rose Quarter Improvement Project and the Interstate Bridge Replacement Program​ (which will use tolling to help pay for replacement of the bridge). These projects will improve congestion and safety at these locations. Nothing would be as effective in permanently managing congestion as the combination of bottleneck relief projects and a region-wide congestion pricing program. However, this approach would come at a high cost for drivers and does not have sufficient support from regional and local leaders.  

ODOT worked with the Equity and Mobility Advisory Committee (EMAC) and the Statewide Toll Rulemaking Advisory Committee to develop recommendations for equitable tolling outcomes. In 2022, EMAC helped ODOT produce the Low-Income Toll Report for the OTC and Oregon Legislature. This work ultimately led to a low-income discount outlined in the draft Oregon Administrative Rules, proposing a 50% discount for drivers living at or below 200% of the Federal Poverty Level. We were on track to have the country’s first low-income benefit program on the first day of toll collection. With any future toll projects, we are committed to making this low-income discount a reality.​