If you have questions about our facility or your youth, your first point of contact is the case coordinator for your youth’s living unit.
Here are the phone numbers for the case coordinators:
Boulder: Bruce McRoberts, 971-301-0843
Crater: Pedro Perez, 503-980-6804
Dunes: Mackenzie Green, 503-980-6834
Granite: Christina Williams, 503-428-9730
Jasper: Veronika Evans, 503-980-6810
Maple (intake unit): Jayson Ellis, 503-980-6852
Noble (intake unit): Kara Youngblutt, 503-980-6859
Oak: Arnulfo "Junior" Torres-Rivera, 503-400-1098
Pacific: 503-982-1699
Rockaway: Bruce Vang, 503-980-6887
Summit: Athena Street, 503-980-6816