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About Treasury

Oregon State Treasury is focused on improving the financial well-being of all Oregonians. We provide low-cost programs for governments, and empower Oregonians to invest in themselves and their loved ones for a more secure future.

Picture of Treasury Building

About Treasury

Oregon State Treasury is led by State Treasurer Elizabeth Steiner, MD. As Treasurer, she is the state’s financial leader, the custodian of public funds and chief investment officer. We prioritize investing for the long term, doing business the right way, and empowering Oregonians to invest in themselves.

We're proud of the work we do to help families, governments, and businesses succeed.

Vision Statement

Leading the way for Oregonians to achieve long-term financial security.

Mission Statement

Improving Oregon governments’ and citizens’ financial capabilities.


Integrity, Innovation, Diversity, Trust, Professionalism, Accessibility.

Empowering your financial future

We provide ways to save on taxes while also helping Oregonians to save for retirement through the OregonSaves program, for college and career training costs through the Oregon college savings plans, and our Oregon ABLE savings plan helps with the cost of caring for people with disabilities.   

Serving governments and taxpayers

We operate the state’s investing, banking, and debt programs.

We invest for the long-term, and sell Oregon bonds help to finance community projects like schools, roads and armories. Because of sound Treasury management, more than 73 cents of every dollar in pension benefits comes from investment returns.

The Local Government Investment Pool is available to all Oregon and Tribal governments, and it helps to stretch budgets with a strong rate-of-return on public fund deposits.

Safeguarding public funds

So that governments can deposit funds safely in banks and credit unions, the Treasurer’s office protects public assets.

Helping nonprofits and communities

We help secure low-cost loans and bonds for nonprofit projects like hospitals and make money available to Oregon lenders, who can put that money to work in their communities.

Making business more competitive

We engage as a thoughtful shareholder to improve sustainable business practices. Oregon small businesses also benefit from OregonSaves, which allows them to facilitate a retirement savings option with no fees or legal or fiduciary risk.

Do you have questions about taxes or pensions?

The Oregon Department of Revenue is responsible for the administration of Oregon tax laws and tax collections. You can learn more from the Department of Revenue website.

The Oregon Public Employees Retirement System manages pension benefits. You can learn more about PERS from the PERS agency.