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Sustainability Description and Mission

What is Sustainability?

the joint perspective of Sustainability: economic and fiscal health, environmental stewardship, and community and staff support

Sustainability means balancing three key areas: economic and fiscal health, caring for the environment, and supporting communities and staff. 

The Oregon Sustainability Act defines "sustainability" as using and protecting resources so people can meet their needs today, while ensuring future generations can meet theirs. The approach balances environmental, economic and community goals (ORS 184.421).

Sustainability in State Government 

Oregon has over 100 state agencies and more than 40,000 employees. These efforts can have a big impact on cutting emissions and fighting climate change. Actions include:  
  • Saving energy and water.
  • Using alternate transportation and increasing electric vehicles in the state fleet.
  • Reducing waste.
  • Using more sustainable materials.
  • Promoting equity and inclusion. 

Many agencies already have Sustainability Plans and programs in place to address the Governor's goals.  


Department of Administrative Services' (DAS)

DAS plays a key role in carrying out the Governor's goals and leads by example. It provides services like budgeting, purchasing, information technology support, human resources and building operations.  
DAS leads agencies and works to make its own operations efficient, guided by a Sustainability Plan that includes: 
  • Energy efficient and sustainable buildings and technology.
  • Managing a fleet for better fuel efficiency and use of electric vehicles.
  • Supporting planned, green purchasing. 
The DAS Office of Sustainability advised on and support these efforts. 


headshot of David Wortman 

David Wortman
Statewide Sustainability Officer

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