Oregon's zoning-based farm and forest land conservation programs have been in place for over 50 years. Since the start of the program, the Oregon Legislature, the Land Conservation and Development Commission, and the state's courts have passed laws, adopted administrative rules, and made decisions that have changed the programs. The farm and forest conservation programs are meant to change over time as the issues around farm and forest conservation change.
Over the past 10 years, interested parties, the courts, and DLCD staff have identified a number of issues needing review. DLCD sees the Farm and Forest Conservation Program Improvements Project as a multi-year effort to address implementation of the farm and forest conservation program. For more information see the project page at https://www.oregon.gov/lcd/ff/pages/cpip.aspx.
Rule Update
Farm and Forest Modernization Program Rule Update One-pager
Permanent Rule Filing
Permanent Administrative Order LCDD 14-2024 (tracked changes version)
Notice of Proposed Rulemaking Including Statement of Need & Fiscal Impact filed with the Secretary of State August 29, 2024 (tracked changes version)
Rulemaking Advisory Committee Members
For more information on the charge to the RAC, read the commission approved
rulemaking charge.
Rulemaking Advisory Committee Meetings
Stay Informed
Community members will be able to view RAC meetings and are welcome to email comments to staff throughout the rulemaking process. RAC meeting summaries will be available on this page. LCDC will hold a public hearing when staff presents a recommended draft for consideration.
For substantive questions about the rulemaking please contact Farm and Forest Lands Specialist Hilary Foote at
hilary.foote@dlcd.oregon.gov or 503-881-9249.
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