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Coastal Services

Planning Assistance

Oregon Coastal Management Program (OCMP) staff assist local governments with comprehensive planning and local land use regulations. This side-by-side work with local governments has had many positive outcomes and supports planning decisions that meet the Statewide Land Use Planning Goals as well as other regulatory requirements of the OCMP. Learn more.

Technical Assistance

Oregon Coastal Management Program (OCMP) staff provide a variety of technical assistance to local governments and network partners. Examples of past assistance include data creation, geospatial analysis, map production, and web content development and hosting.

Projects are chosen based on demand from program partners, and fulfilled on a time-available basis. If a project falls outside the immediate capabilities of the OCMP, staff may work with the partner to identify another mechanism for meeting the need (e.g. applications for special funding, internship development, or technical assistance grants). Learn more.

Ocean Coordination

In addition to coordinating with multiple network partners through regulatory review of permits within the coastal zone, the Oregon Coastal Management Program (OCMP) is also involved with multiple organizations that focus on elements of marine planning and management. Coordination with these entities has increased knowledge sharing, consistency in planning, interested party engagement, and technical capacity.

The Ocean Coordination page provides a list of groups and organizations that the OCMP works with on a semi-regular basis.

Hazard Mitigation

Oregon's statewide land use planning program requires local governments to plan for and make decisions that account for natural hazards. OCMP provides resources (data, model codes, funding, etc.) for local governments, state agencies, homeowners, and others related to both chronic and catastrophic natural hazards. The Hazard Mitigation page provides information about the state's resources for coastal hazard planning and more information about the hazards themselves.

Coastal Data, Tools and Publication

OCMP staff are continually developing data and information products that assist local governments and network partners with coastal management related questions. Go to the Coastal Data, Tools and Publication page to find these important resources.

Coastal Grants

OCMP assists coastal governments with land use activities related to the coast by providing federal money for plan maintenance, plan amendment, and periodic review. All coastal jurisdictions that have acknowledged comprehensive plans approved for inclusion in the OCMP by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Office for Coastal Management are eligible for these federal funds. The Coastal Grants page provides more detailed information about the coastal grant program and provides applicable forms and materials used to apply for funding.