A TSP provides a comprehensive, multimodal picture of how the existing and future transportation system meets the needs of its users. While the state Transportation Planning Rules (TPR) require most Oregon jurisdictions to adopt a TSP, there are many other good reasons to employ this critical long-range planning tool.
Plot a clear course for your community
Show how your
transportation goals meet the goals and needs of
planned land uses
Determine where
planned transportation improvements should be located and what right-of-way needs to be protected
Provide rationale for making
prudent transportation investments and land use decisions
Identify and advocate for
projects, programs, and services the community can fund (financially constrained plan) and would like to fund (financially unconstrained plan), within the planning horizon
Work toward shared goals
A TSP tells others how transportation policies and investments support broader community and regional goals. Being able to see where goals overlap with those of other agencies creates valuable opportunities for collaboration.
Attract and secure funds
Not only does a TSP provide a necessary linkage to the
Statewide Transportation Improvement Program to secure funding, it also provides the policy foundation and documentation of needs to support transportation funding decisions and requests.
Getting results
Read how TSP updates have helped communities fund system investments, coordinate with other jurisdictions and agencies, and deliver projects.
The Wilsonville TSP update, funded through the
Oregon Transportation and Growth Management (TGM) program, helped the City of
Wilsonville pursue funding for projects on the state system.
As part of its TGM-funded TSP update, the City of Ashland examined a road diet on North Main Street (OR 99) that would reduce the number of lanes from four to three, providing room for bicycle lanes. Because North Main Street is an alternative route to I-5, ODOT's Motor Carrier Transportation Division was consulted on the proposal. After extensive consultations between the city and state and a major community engagement effort, the city proceeded with a 1-year pilot project to restripe North Main Street. After the 1-year pilot period, the Ashland City Council voted to make the road diet permanent. It should be noted that a road diet on an ODOT facility would most likely be a component of a corridor refinement plan that would be incorporated into a TSP, since a more detailed analysis and community engagement are typically needed for this type of project.
For more information on plan implementation, see the excerpt from TGM Tangibles Volume II.
The City of Newberg was awarded an Oregon TGM grant to prepare a pedestrian and bicycle plan, with an emphasis on identifying a critical core network of Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliant infrastructure. Rather than wait until funding is secured to construct improvements along an entire corridor, the plan identifies spot improvements that could strategically and affordably remove barriers along a route more quickly and for a fraction of the cost. This plan resulted in an amendment to the city's TSP that updated bicycle and pedestrian elements to include the critical routes and improvements.
For more information on plan implementation, see the excerpt from TGM Tangibles Volume II.