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Transportation System Plan Guidelines

Multimodal traffic represented by two cars, a freight truck, and an adult and child riding bicycles

Introduction to the TSP Guidelines

These Transportation System Plan (TSP) Guidelines provide a step-by-step guide for cities and counties in Oregon updating their transportation system plans. These guidelines outline requirements set forth in Oregon’s Transportation Planning Rules, describe best practices, and include implementation examples. Users can consult this tool holistically while scoping a full TSP update or navigate directly to specific sections. This is a “living document” and will be updated as rules and best practices evolve.

What Is a TSP?

A Transportation System Plan (TSP) is a long-range planning document that describes a transportation system and outlines projects, programs, and policies to meet transportation needs now and 20 years in the future based on community goals. A TSP is required for most Oregon jurisdictions per Oregon Administrative Rule (OAR) 660-012, also known as the Transportation Planning Rules (TPR). A TSP typically serves as the transportation component of the local comprehensive plan.

Read more and see example TSPs.

When Should I Update a TSP?

Like all planning documents, a TSP should be updated periodically to reflect growth and change. Many circumstances can trigger a TSP update, including state or regional compliance issues, changing community priorities, and funding availability.

Read more about when to update a TSP. 

A downloadable PDF. Please consider the environment before printing.

Transportation System Plan Guidelines - Print Version

Why Update a TSP?

A TSP provides a comprehensive, multimodal picture of how the existing and future transportation system meets the needs of its users. While most Oregon jurisdictions are required to prepare and adopt a TSP, there are many other good reasons to employ this critical long-range planning tool.

Read more and learn ways to get results.

How Do I Update a TSP?

These TSP Guidelines provide information on how to successfully create or update a TSP for your community. The TSP Guidelines are based primarily on requirements and recommendations from the TPR, but they also incorporate the current best practices in long-range planning of a transportation system.

Climate-Friendly and Equitable Communities Program

These TSP Guidelines have been updated to reflect the changes to Oregon’s administrative rules on transportation that resulted from the Climate Friendly and Equitable Communities (CFEC) program. Throughout this guidance you will see distinctions for “metropolitan areas” subject to  CFEC requirements and “non-metropolitan areas” for which the TSP guidance is largely unchanged since the last update in 2020.
As defined in the TPR, the CFEC requirements only apply to cities and counties located within a Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) that is wholly located within the state of Oregon. The Longview-Kelso-Rainier and Walla Walla Valley MPOs are not considered MPOs for the purposes of the TPR.

Change Log

  • Significant changes are underway throughout the site as of January 2024. 
  • Sample Evaluation Matrix Criteria C2.1 and C2.3 on Evaluation and Prioritization Criteria section were updated to reflect current best practice and terminology.
  • Added recommendation for Federal Functional classification color scheme for map deliverables.
  • Removed reference to the Transportation Planning Rule (TPR) Rulemaking Advisory Committee for Metropolitan Transportation Planning.
    • Dated: Feb. 2019
  • "Should" section was revised to include references to bilingual content under Title II, Title VI, and Environmental Justice.
  • "Resources" section added to the bottom of the Public Involvement Plan page, which includes bilingual TSP materials.
  • Links to ODOT's Blueprint for Urban Design and Preparing for Landslide Hazards: A Land Use Guide for Oregon Communities were added to the list of review documents under Step 3, "Plans and Policy Review."

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