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Traveler Information

Maintenance and Operations Branch provides a wide-range of traveler information. Click on the title bars below to see more information about each topic.

Information Resources

​TripCheck TV is a customizable sub-application of the TripCheck website that makes TripCheck information available at a glance.  It's great for public locations such as hotel or office lobbies, and bus stops where travelers are waiting. It provides camera images, road and weather conditions and regional alerts at a glance. Visit the application.

​ODOT also tweets road condition and incidents messages via Twitter. Information is provided by major city, mountain passes and by highway segment.

​The TripCheck API provides incident and road and weather data, in XML (eXtensible Markup Language) and JSON (Javascript Object Notation​) format at no cost to subscribers which include: traffic information providers, media, weather forecasters and other agencies. In turn, those subscribers reformat and publish the data to web sites, subscription services, traffic graphics for television, radio traffic reports, traffic data for in-vehicle navigation systems and traffic forecasts.​

​TripCheck Local Entry provides a more thorough picture of the traffic conditions as drivers transition from state highways onto local roads. TLE is a direct way for local agencies to provide their arterial roads' incident data to the public using TripCheck.

​ODOT has established a network of roadside devices to collect information directly from the highway (cameras, weather stations, etc.). Some roadside devices are also used to distribute information to motorists as they travel. These devices are Variable Message Signs and Highway Advisory Radios, both of which provide information for a specific incident.

​Nearly 850+ roadside cameras are located statewide. Cameras are non-recording and are used by ODOT's maintenance crews and Transportation Operations Center to quickly and efficiently detect, verify, and plan responses for highway incidents and to monitor weather and road conditions at remote locations. The images are also provided to the public through TripCheck to help drivers make more informed travel decisions.​

​Variable Message Signs are used to provide information to motorists enroute regarding delays, work zones, travel time estimates, alternative routes, amber alerts, etc.

​511 allows drivers to hear travel information by phone. The information provided via 511 is the same as the data displayed on ODOT's website,

Contact Information

Phone: 503-986-3977