The Oregon Medicaid Management Information System (MMIS) Provider Portal gives you free, real-time information about Oregon Health Plan (OHP) member eligibility, member coordinated care organization (CCO) enrollment, fee-for-service claim status, prior authorization status, and more. You can also submit individual claims, prior authorization and plan of care requests.
If Your Office Is New to the Provider Portal:
Follow the steps in our
Quick Setup Guide, then
set up clerk accounts to give staff access to the features or "roles" they need. The Quick Set Up Guide lists all roles you can assign to staff.
- To setup your office's account, you need the Personal Identification Number (PIN) letter, your Oregon Medicaid Provider ID, and Internet access with a compatible browser (Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 through 11 or Mozilla FireFox).
If you need a PIN: Email your provider name and Oregon Medicaid provider number to Provider Services (800-336-6016).
If Your Office Already Uses the Provider Portal:
The Provider Portal administrator in your office can give you access to the features or "roles" you need (such as Claims, Eligibility, Remittance Advice, Plan of Care, Prior Authorization, Benefits and Prioritized List Inquiry).
If you need your password reset: Contact your office administrator or Provider Services.
If you need to change your office administrator: Login as the administrator and update using Account Maintenance. If you cannot login as the administrator, contact Provider Services.
Provider Portal Resources