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Filing Center

How to File

The Filing Center of the Oregon Public Utility Commission (PUC) is a resource to submit information to be filed in an existing docket or to open a new docket. 

Instructions for confidential information and large files (Note: this is an exception to the PUC Administrative Rules)

What documents are filed?

All filings and pleadings related to docketed cases are filed with the Filing Center. These documents include, but are not limited to:
  • New applications for a docketed case
  • Advice filings for tariffs and price lists
  • Telecommunications special contracts
  • Competitive provider applications
  • Telecommunications interconnection agreements and complaints
  • Compliance filings
  • Select utility reports
  • Testimony, briefs, formal comments, motions, responses, and replies

Blanket General Protective Order with Sample Notice 

The Commission's General Protective Order (GPO) provides a template companies can use to produce confidential information under protection to signatories of the protective order. Only parties to a proceeding and their employees, witnesses, and consultants can sign a protective order. You must sign a new protective order for each proceeding in which you are a party if you want to receive confidential material for that proceeding. In order to use this blanket GPO, the party wishing to protect information must file a notice with the Commission containing a brief description of the information it wishes to protect. A sample of that notice can be found in the GPO (in Appendix D), while more details are available in the GPO Factsheet. Parties may receive confidential information if they certify to having “an interest in these proceedings that is not adequately represented by other parties to the proceeding.”  Confidential information may only be used for purposes of participating in the proceeding. You must take reasonable precautions to keep confidential information that you receive secure. A sample notice for the Blanket General Protective Order is available in a Word document for your convenience to download and use. 

Parties may receive confidential information if they certify to having "an interest in these proceedings that is not adequately represented by other parties to the proceeding." Confidential information may only be used for purposes of participating in the proceeding. You must take reasonable precautions to keep confidential information that you receive secure and to ensure that you are only serving protected information to those qualified to receive it. Using the service list from eDockets on the Commission's website is one way to ensure that you are serving only those qualified. If one of your signatories to the GPO leaves your employ, in addition to filing a service list change as necessary, please file a letter notifying the PUC and parties to remove that individual from any lists of individuals to receive protected information, listing all dockets in which the individual was a signatory to a protective order.

Before you file – helpful information

View the Procedural Rules about filing documents and the service of those documents by the PUC.

Filing Requirements Tool – to help you file documents in the right format and learn about other requirements for that filing.

Docket Designations – what do the letters in a docket name stand for?

How to File

  • ​Prepare your filing/pleading in text-searchable PDF format or in Microsoft Word or Excel.
  • An electronic signature is required. Use /s/ if you do not have a PDF image of your signature.
  • Send an email to the Filing Center​ and attach your filing. Note: Only the attachments are included in the official filing, so refrain from including substantive information in the email itself.
  • The email subject line should include: the docket number (if known), a brief description of the filing, and the party/company name. For example: UE 999, Brief, X Electric Company.
  • If multiple pleadings in one docket, please send each pleading in separate emails. Ex., A motion to adopt a stipulation and the stipulation should be sent in separate emails.
  • Do NOT send confidential material by email. File a cover letter electronically that states confidential materials are being sent by mail or courier.
  • The PUC can receive digital filings of 20 MB or smaller. Larger filings can be sent by:
    • Sending sections of the filing in separate emails and labeled “# of #”.
    • DVD, CD or flash drive. Physical copies must be received within two business days of the electronic filing and your checklist should indicate documents will be provided by DVD, CD or flash drive.
  • Use the Filing Requirements Tool to determine if physical copies are required and if you need to serve and provide a certificate of service for your filing.
  • If necessary for your tariff filing, complete and attach the Less than Statutory Notice (Form 260) 

  • ​Complete the appropriate application provided by the PUC and sign it with /s/ if a PDF image of your signature is not available.
  • Email the completed application as an attachment to the Filing Center with any exhibits as text-searchable PDF documents or in Microsoft Word or Excel. Note: Only the attachments are included in the official filing, so refrain from including substantive information in the email itself.
  • The email subject line should include: whether the attachment is a new or transfer application and the company name. For example: New CP Application, XYZ Company.
  • You will receive email confirmation once your docket has been filed by the PUC with the official docket number. We will contact you in the event additional information is needed. If your application is declined, you will receive an email explaining why.
  • A paper copy of the application is NOT required by the PUC.
  • Other filings related to this application or subsequent certification must be filed with the Filing Center​, referencing the assigned docket number. Subsequent filings can be made by attaching a text-searchable PDF or Microsoft Word document to the email.

  • ​Complete the Carrier-to-Carrier Agreement Checklist provided by the PUC.
  • Send an email to the Filing Center​ with the checklist and the interconnection agreement or amendment attached as a text-searchable PDF document or a Microsoft Word document. Note: Only the attachments are included in the official filing, so refrain from including substantive information in the email itself.
  • The email subject line should include: whether the filing is an agreement or amendment with the company name. For example: Amendment ABC Company and XYZ Company.
  • The PUC can receive digital filings of 20 MB or smaller. Larger filings can be sent by:
    • Sending sections of the filing in separate emails and labeled “# of #”.
    • DVD, CD or flash drive. Physical copies must be received within two business days of the electronic filing and your checklist should indicate documents will be provided by DVD, CD or flash drive.
  • You will receive email confirmation once your docket has been filed by the PUC with the official docket number. We will contact you in the event additional information is needed. If your application is declined, you will receive an email explaining why and, if applicable, what steps you need to take.
  • Only send a physical copy of the agreement or amendment if over 100 pages to: PUC Filing Center, PO Box 1088, Salem, OR 97308-1088. (Must be received within 2 business days of filing. Physical copy may be on paper, or a CD or flash drive.)

Are ALL reports submitted through the PUC’s Filing Center?

No. Please do NOT submit the following:

  • Annual Fee Statements
  • Payment Remittance
  • Oregon Universal Service Fund (OUS1 or OUS2) surcharge form or surcharge remittance
  • Residential Service Protection Fund surcharge form or surcharge remittance
  • Telecommunication annual reports containing confidential information (Forms O, L, C, or I)
  • Any daily safety or safety incident reports
  • Accident reports required by ORS 654.715

Is my filing a report or compliance filing?

If the information is a one-time filing to show compliance with a Commission order, please file it as a compliance filing within the docket. If the information is required regularly by statute, rule, or order, file the information as a report. If ever in doubt, contact the Filing Center at 503-378-6678.

What report formats are preferred?

Text-searchable PDF format is preferred, but reports prepared in Microsoft Word, Excel, or PowerPoint are also accepted. Provide diagrams, photos, or maps in PDF format only. If your report's native format is Excel, please attach both the Excel version and the text searchable PDF version to your email to the Filing Center and note in your email that both versions are attached.

Is a physical copy required?

A physical copy, consisting of paper or flash drive, is NOT required, unless:

  • The report contains confidential information that is required to be filed in physical format by the applicable modified protective order;
  • The report exceeds 100 pages or 10 MB and you are not able to use the instructions above for filing using a .zip file; or
  • The report is an Energy Utility Results of Operation Report, in which case, provide a flash drive containing the report in a format that can be text-searched and comments added.

How do I file a report?

  1. Complete the e-Filing Report Cover Sheet.
  2. Send an email to the Filing Center with the cover sheet and report attached.
  3. In the subject, type the R- docket number, if you know it. If not, type your company name and subject of the report.

Submitting reports containing confidential information or large Excel documents (greater than 10 MB)?

  1. Delete confidential information from the public version and prepare the confidential information (or large file) to be sent to the PUC Filing Center using the instructions linked at the top of this page. Note: Electronic redaction tools may still allow access to the confidential information. Physically deleting confidential content from the public version reduces the risk of inadvertent disclosure. If you are not able to use the instructions linked above for filing using a .zip file, please prepare a flash drive with the confidential or large files.
  2. Submit the cover sheet or a cover letter, and any public (non-confidential) sections of the report by email to the Filing Center​. Please note in your email that confidential information will also be submitted and if it will be submitted by subsequent email or by flash drive.
  3. Submit confidential information or large files using the instructions linked at the top of this page. If you must submit using a flash drive, to ensure integrity, please send it in a cardboard envelope by mail to: PUC Filing Center, PO Box 1088, Salem, OR 97308-1088. Please note that the PUC must receive the flash drive within 2 business days of the electronic filing in order for it to be considered timely filed.