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About PUC Events

Types of Events & What to Expect

The Oregon Public Utility Commission (PUC) holds various types of meetings throughout the regulatory process. Oregon Public Meetings Law requires the PUC to hold public meetings when two or more Commissioners are present to decide any matter requiring a quorum. Learn more about each meeting type below.

**The PUC is currently hosting most meetings virtually via Zoom and by phone; in person events will include Zoom and phone participation options.**

​Regular Public Meetings are typically held every other Tuesday and used to address a variety of items that will either be considered as a group as part of the consent agenda or individually as part of the regular agenda. The Oregon Public Utility Commission (PUC) reserves up to 15 minutes at the beginning of each Regular Public Meeting to receive comments from the general public on items NOT listed on the agenda. View the Upcoming Events page to view a list of public meetings and link to the agenda where you can access the link to participate via Zoom or by phone.

These meetings are open to all individuals. To request accommodation, please email or call 503-378-6611 at least 48 hours in advance. The PUC Hearing Room is equipped with Hearing Loop assistive technology for any meetings held in-person.

What to expect at Regular Public Meetings:

  • Commission Chair runs the meeting.​
  • Meeting agendas are published in advance and are available on the Upcoming Events page. You can access the link to participate virtually or by phone on the agenda.
  • A Commission employee will generally prepare a written memo for each agenda item, which is posted in advance of the public meeting within the docket or accessible on the meeting agenda found on the Upcoming Events page.
  • The Commission will generally adopt non-contested items on the Consent Agenda as a group without individual discussion.
  • The Commission will individually address items on the Rulemaking and Regular agendas, and may allow public comment prior to deliberation.
  • Agendas do not include predetermined time limits, but the Chair may set limits during the meeting.
  • Breaks are determined by the Commission Chair.
  • Archived video and audio files of previous meetings are available on the Archived Events​ page.
  • Cell phones may not be used and must be silenced during the meeting (if in person).
  • The PUC may enter into an executive session during the meeting to consider information unable to be disclosed by law under ORS 192.660(2)(f), or to consult with counsel under ORS 192.660(2)(h). Executive sessions are closed to the public.
  • Decisions made at the public meeting may be memorialized in an order, which you may find online in eDockets​. Here you will enter the​ docket number found on the agenda.
If you wish to speak at a Regular Public Meeting either as a member of the general public, as a representative of a regulated utility, citizen, or industry-related group, view the options below.

If participating virtually or by phone:
  • The Commission Chair will provide opportunities to comment. You will either be asked to 'raise your hand' virtually, or you may be asked to unmute yourself within Zoom or press *6 on your phone to comment. Keep your camera turned off until called to speak.
If participating in person:
  • We ask that you let the PUC know you wish to comment at least 24-ours before the scheduled meeting by sending an email or calling 503-378-6611.
  • When you arrive, fill out an appearance slip and give it to the Commission Assistant.
  • A time limit may be provided depending on the number of speakers.
  • Speak clearly into the microphone, stating your name and who you represent.
  • Address the Commissioners as Chair [last name] and Commissioners [last name] and [last name].

If unable to participate during the meeting, you may submit a comment in writing before the meeting by email​.​

To view a public meeting already held, view the Archived Events​ page.​

​Special Public Meetings are held on an as-needed basis to provide consideration of regulatory matters, such as utility requests for approval of time-sensitive issues. These meetings, which may or may not include an opportunity for public comment, are scheduled to address agency business better suited for a separate meeting. This meeting is open to the public and accessible to all individuals. To request accommodation at least 48 hours before the meeting or for general information, email or call 503-378-6611. If held in the PUC Hearing Room, Hearing Loop Technology is available.

**PUC meetings are typically conducted virtually using Zoom **

Meeting agendas are posted in advance of the meeting on the PUC's Upcoming Events​ page. On the agenda for the specific meeting, you will find a link to the Zoom meeting and phone-in information for your convenience.

If participating virtually or by phone:
  • The Commission Chair will provide opportunities to comment. You will either be asked to 'raise your hand' virtually, or you may be asked to unmute yourself within Zoom or press *6 on your phone to comment. Keep your camera off until called upon to comment.
If participating in person:
  • We ask that you let the PUC know you wish to comment at least 24-hours before the scheduled meeting by sending an email or calling 503-378-6611.
  • When you arrive, fill out an appearance slip and give it to the Commission Assistant.
  • A time limit may be provided depending on the number of speakers.
  • Speak clearly into the microphone, stating your name and who you represent.
  • Address the Commissioners as Chair [last name] and Commissioners [last name] and [last name].

If unable to participate during the meeting, you may submit a comment in writing before the meeting by email​.​

To view a special public meeting already held, view the Archived Events​ page.​​

​These are Commissioner-attended meetings closed to certain individuals for discussion of confidential matters. Only designated persons are allowed to participate due to the privacy of the content discussed. Representatives of the media are able to attend, but are not allowed to report on the information discussed. Members of the media are asked to contact the PUC's Public Information Officer by email​. Commissioners do not vote on issues in executive session.

The Oregon Public Utility Commission (PUC) may host a public comment hearing to provide information and to solicit comments on a given topic of interest to the public. This is noticed as a public meeting if at least two Commissioners are planning to attend. This meeting provides an opportunity for the public to comment directly to the Commissioners and/or the law judge presiding over the particular docket (case).

Public Comment Hearings are open to the public and accessible to all individuals. To request accommodation, email or call 503-378-6611 at least 48 hours in advance.

​What to expect at Public Comment Hearings -- Held Virtually (Via Zoom, by phone)

  • Access the link to the meeting and phone-in information on the agenda for this meeting found on the Upcoming Events​ page. 
  • View the agenda for additional information about how to submit a comment by email or phone or how to inform the PUC you'd like to make a comment during the meeting virtually or by phone.
  • The Commission Chair or Administrative Law Judge will provide an explanation of how to comment. You will either be asked to 'raise your hand' virtually, or you may be asked to unmute yourself within Zoom or press *6 on your phone to comment. Keep your camera off until called upon to comment.

What to expect at Public Comment Hearings -- Held In Person

  • The PUC will select a location to host this event in or near a community impacted by a certain topic or decision.
  • An Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) will preside over this event and take comments from the public.
  • Commissioners may join the ALJ at the front of the room. If present, the Commissioners will not engage in discussion or answer questions.
  • A court reporter is commonly present to record the meeting and/or the meeting will be recorded if held virtually (by Zoom).
  • Typically, members of the PUC's technical staff will be on hand to answer questions.
  • The hearing will start on time, so be sure you sign in and find a seat.
  • If planning to speak, please indicate so on the sign-up sheet.
  • When speaking, speak clearly and state your name and who you represent.
  • There is no need to submit your comments more than once.
  • The hearing will end once everyone gives their comments or the scheduled end time, whichever comes first.
  • A time limit may be imposed on speakers to allow others the opportunity to speak.
  • Be courteous to other speakers, as well as PUC Commissioners and staff.

You may comment in three ways:

  1. Attending a public comment hearing virtually or by phone where you will be given opportunities to address the Commission. Listen for those instructions during the meeting.
  2. In person: If you would like to speak, please indicate so on the sign-up sheet upon entering the hearing room. Please speak clearly, state your name and who you represent. If you plan to attend the hearing but do not plan to speak publicly, you may fill out a comment card made available at the event.
  3. If unable to attend in person/virtually, you may submit comments by:
    • Online form​
    • Calling 503-378-6600 (weekdays from 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.)
    • Mail to Oregon Public Utility Commission, Attn: ADH - [insert docket (case) number], PO Box 1088, Salem OR 97308-1088​

Hearings are held in contested cases to allow cross-examination by the parties of witnesses who provided testimony (evidence) in a case. Hearings are held in rulemaking cases to allow the opportunity for oral comment on the proposed rules. If two or more Commissioners plan to attend a hearing, it is then listed as a special public meeting for the public to attend.​

​Conferences are generally held in docketed cases to discuss and set the schedule and scope of a case or to discuss issues to reach consensus. Conferences, depending on the type, are run by PUC employees with Commissioners not generally in attendance.  The PUC may hold the following:

  • Prehearing conferences
  • Conferences
  • Settlement conferences

​Oral arguments are formal trial-like events where parties to a specific docket (case) present legal arguments on disputed issues. Oral arguments supplement written briefs. If two or more Commissioners plan to attend an oral argument, the event is listed as a special public meeting. The public may attend to watch, but only official parties may participate. NOTE: The public may be asked to leave if the arguments address confidential information.

What to expect at Oral Arguments

  • The Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) assigned to the case runs the proceeding.
  • A court reporter is commonly present to record the meeting. If held by Zoom, the meeting will be recorded for future viewing.
  • The ALJ will set the order of the presentations and may set timeframes for those presenting at the beginning of the event.
  • During oral arguments, attendance may be limited to those who signed a nondisclosure agreement regarding protected information.
  • Oral arguments are not live-streamed and a phone-in number is not generally available.

​Workshops are conducted by the Commission to gather information from subject matter experts on a specific issue or investigation.  Workshops may also be held to provide technical information or education to the Commissioners and staff.  If the Commissioners are attending or hosting a workshop, the workshop will be listed as a special public meeting for the public to attend. An agenda is typically posted on the Upcoming Events​ page online.

What to expect at a Workshop:

  • The Commission staff, an Administrative Law Judge, or the Commission Chair may run the meeting.
  • Staff workshops are not generally recorded. If Commissioners attend, then the meeting is recorded, may be live-streamed, and a court reporter may be present to create a record.
  • Attendance may be limited to those who signed a nondisclosure agreement regarding protected information.
  • Staff workshops usually include a phone-in number for those unable to attend in person.
  • Identify yourself each time you speak.​

The PUC often hosts training sessions to provide insight to better understand our processes and encourage participation from more groups and individuals. Learn about upcoming training sessions and view recordings of previous sessions.​


Reasonable Accommodation Requests

PUC public meetings are accessible to persons with disabilities. To request accommodation, please email or call 503-378-6611 at least 48 hours before the event. If held in the PUC's Hearing Room, Hearing Loop assistive hearing technology is available.