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Oregon Health Authority

Find a Clinic

How do I find a clinic?

Looking for reproductive health services? Use the table below to find a RHCare, CCare, or AbortionCare clinic near you.

RHCare clinics provide reproductive health services to all people.

CCare clinics provide birth control services to U.S. citizens or people with an immigration status that does not prevent them from enrolling in OHP.

AbortionCare clinics provide abortion services to people who are not eligible for Medicaid because of their immigration status.

RHCare, CCare, and AbortionCare clinics also serve people with OHP, private insurance, and people who are uninsured.


TIP: Type your county in the search box to find nearby clinics.

If you are looking for breast, cervical, and/or hereditary cancer screening and are uninsured or underinsured, please visit the ScreenWise webpage to see if you qualify and to find a clinic near you.