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Climate Equity and Resilience Through Action Grant

Currently, the $197 million EPA awarded DEQ to support 12 measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from transportation, buildings and waste materials, is frozen, and the agency cannot access the funds. This program is an important part of DEQ’s work to restore, maintain and enhance the quality of Oregon’s air, land and water. We will continue our work at the state level while monitoring federal grant accounts to see if funds awarded under the Inflation Reduction Act, Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, and the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law become accessible.

Starting in 2025, Oregon will begin distributing $197 million to residents, businesses, and Tribes to support climate pollution reduction measures through the CERTA grant. These measures will reduce greenhouse gas emissions from buildings, housing, transportation, and waste, while providing benefits to surrounding communities.  

DEQ will be announcing when funds become available on the CERTA web page and through the Climate Pollution Reduction Planning Grant GovDelivery notifications.  

The money was awarded to Oregon by the Environmental Protection Agency as part of the Climate Pollution Reduction Grant under the Inflation Reduction Act. The process to develop Oregon's proposal included engagement with partner agencies, local jurisdictions, and Tribes with a shared goal to create sustainable and transformative approaches to tackling the climate crisis. This funding will infuse innovative and durable programs across the state identified in Oregon's Priority Climate Action Plan, which Oregon developed as part of the EPA's Climate Pollution Reduction Grant Program. Led by DEQ's Office of Greenhouse Gas Programs, this work is a multi-agency effort that funds initiatives for Oregon Departments of Energy, Transportation, Housing and Community Services, the State Health Authority, and Energy Trust of Oregon. While the measures funded in this grant do not represent all the necessary and needed actions for emission reductions in Oregon but are an importation infusion for programs across the state. 

Next steps  

Oregon is preparing to accept funds for the CERTA grant, which includes hiring staff to support the implementation, contract development, and modeling for this grant. We anticipate funds will start infusing programs in 2025. Please visit this web page for updates about funding opportunities, you can also sign up for email updates via GovDelivery to stay informed.

Climate Pollution Reduction Planning Grant

Additionally, continuing the Climate Pollution Reduction Planning Grant and building on the PCAP, Oregon is developing the Comprehensive Climate Action Plan. The goal of the CCAP is to acknowledge and consolidate the work Oregon is already doing, look for additional opportunities, and examine the gaps to addressing climate in the state such as workforce development. This report may be used to prioritize climate efforts and seek funding sources.