Your DEQ Online
We continue to modernize the way we accept, process and share information at DEQ. This is an important and exciting upgrade to the way we do business now, both internally and with the public. Our new Environmental Data Management System, which we call Your DEQ Online, provides a streamlined online system for connecting to DEQ.
Your DEQ Online is working:
- To make our services more accessible to the public and regulated community
- To save applicants time and resources on applications, renewals, reporting and document submissions
- To offer more options for payments: cash, check, bank transfer (ACH), credit card
- To reduce the ongoing costs of DEQ's environmental data stewardship
- To provide greater transparancy for customers to track issuing licenses, certifications and permits
- To meet federal electronic reporting standards
- To improve access and management of publicly available environmental data
Ultimately, Your DEQ Online helps DEQ partner with the public and regulated community to fulfill our mission to restore, maintain and enhance the quality of Oregon's air, land and water.Stay informed
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