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Statutes and Rules

The Department of Public Safety Standards and Training (DPSST) and the Board on Public Safety Standards and Training (Board), adopt administrative rules that set the minimum standards for employment, training, and certification of private security public safety professionals. These rules help DPSST carry out statutory requirements and act in accordance with the Agency's mission, to promote excellence in public safety.

OAR Chapter 259 Division 60 Rules

Oregon Administrative Rules (OAR) 259-060

ORS Chapter 181A.840 Private Security Providers

Oregon Revised Statues (ORS) 181A Private Security Service Providers

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Proposed, Temporary and Permanent Rule Changes

The following list provides the current and recent rule changes related to private security public safety professionals.  For all other rule changes and instructions on how to submit comments for a proposed rule change please visit DPSST's Statutes and Rules Page.

Division 60 - Private Security

​Limits licensed executive managers who provide contracted services to 10 contracts at any one time.


​This rule change applies to licensed executive managers who contract their executive manager services to multiple businesses or entities. This rule change limits an executive manager’s contracted services to 10 businesses or entities at any one time. The rule change includes an option for an executive manager to request an exception to the limit.

AMENDING: OAR 259-060-0130​​

​Effective: May 1, 2024​

Division 60 - Private Security

​Rule Filing Caption: Limits licensed executive managers who provide contracted services to 10 contracts at any one time


​This rule change applies to licensed executive managers who contract their executive manager services to multiple businesses or entities. This rule change limits an executive manager’s contracted services to 10 businesses or entities at any one time. The rule change includes an option for an executive manager to request an exception to the limit.

​AMENDING: OAR 259-060-0130

Effective: May 1, 2024​​

Division 59 - Private Security Entity Licensing

​PERMANENT RULES for the DPSST Private Security Entity Licensing Program​


Beginning January 1, 2024, private security entities must obtain a license from the Department of Public Safety Standards and Training (DPSST) to operate as a private security entity. These are the permanent rules that are adopted for private security entity licensing requirements and processes. These rules replace the temporary rules.

These Temporary Rules were adopted as Permanent Rules. The were no significant changes to the rule text. Minor grammatical changes were included in some of these rules.
OAR 259-059-0010, 259-059-0020, 259-059-0030, 259-059-0040, 259-059-0050, 259-059-0070, 259-059-0090, 259-059-0095, 259-059-0100, 259-059-0110, 259-059-0120, 259-059-0130, 259-059-0140, 259-059-0160, 259-059-0170, 259-059-0180, 259-059-0190, 259-059-0200, 259-059-0300, 259-059-0310, 259-059-0400, 259-059-0420, 259-059-0430, and 259-059-0440

These Temporary Rules were adopted as Permanent Rules and they include substantive changes. 
OAR 259-059-0060, 259-059-0080, 259-059-0150, and 259-059-0410

​Effective: May 1, 2024​