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Highway Safety

Oregon's transportation safety programs address engineering, education, enforcement and emergency medical services issues. With approval of the Oregon Transportation Safety Action Plan, the Oregon Transportation Commission established its expectations regarding transportation safety.

The Oregon Department of Transportation's Traffic Engineering Section manages the highway engineering safety programs, including the Highway Safety Improvement Program, the Vulnerable User Crash Response Program, safety evalutations and other related tools such as the Highway Safety Manual (HSM).

Additional Resources

The following pages contain links to the State Highway and Off-State Highway (local roads) Safety Priority Index System Reports. 

For older reports (up to 10 years) please contact Jiguang Zhao​.

Please note, property damage only (PDO) crashes are no longer included in the following reports.​

Pursuant to 23 USC 148(g)(4) these reports are not subject to discovery or admission into evidence in a federal or state court proceeding or considered for other purposes in any action for damages arising from any occurrence at a location identified or addressed in this report.

Reference Materials

​The systemic approach provides a comprehensive method for safety planning and implementation. Under the systemic approach, some low-cost countermeasures are applied over an entire road/corridor to reduce crashes and risks along the entire roadway/corridor. ODOT has developed the following systemic safety improvement plans:

Roadway Departure Safety Implementation Plan

Intersection Safety and Implementation Plan

Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Implementation Plan

Oregon Speed Management Plan

Speed Zones

The Federal Highway Administration and most states have identified three safety focus areas with the greatest potential to reduce fatalities. Those are:

  • Roadway Departures.
  • Intersections.
  • Pedestrian and Bicycle Crashes.

Many of the countermeasures applicable to these focus areas apply to speed-related crashes, which occur in the focus areas noted.

With speed as a crosscutting issue, the Oregon Speed Management Plan will help agencies take a broad look at their speeding-related policies, safety plans and programs to identify opportunities for integrating speed management.​

The Vulnerable User Crash Response Program was developed to address vulnerable road user fatalities on the state highway system. 

For more information about this new program please visit the ​Vulnerable User Crash Response Program Site​. ​​

Additional tools are available for ODOT employee use and are accessible from the Traffic-Roadway intranet site.

Visit the Research Section to view all ODOT research reports.


Vulnerable Users

Safety Performance

Other Safety Systems, Applications, and Risk Evaluations

Contact the Traffic Engineering Section

4040 Fairview Industrial Drive, MS 1
Salem, Oregon 97302
Fax: 503-986-4063

Program Contacts

State Traffic Engineer

Traffic Safety Engineer