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Oregon Health Authority

Palliative Care and Quality of Life Interdisciplinary Advisory Council


The Palliative Care and Quality of Life Interdisciplinary Advisory Council (PCAC) was established within the Oregon Health Authority (OHA) by Senate Bill 608 in the 2015 legislative session. The legislation seeks to improve the lives of children, youths, adults and the elderly who would benefit from palliative care and to facilitate access through better coordination of care.

What Is Palliative Care?

Palliative care means patient-centered and family-centered medical care that optimizes a patient's quality of life by anticipating, preventing and treating the suffering caused by serious illness and involves addressing the patient's physical, social and spiritual needs and facilitating the patient's authority, access to information and choice. Palliative care includes, but is not limited to:

  • Discussing a patient's goals for treatment;
  • Discussing the treatment options that are appropriate for the patient; and
  • Comprehensive pain and symptom management.

Upcoming Meetings

Next Meeting

The Council

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