The Oregon Medicaid Meaningful Use Technical Assistance Program (OMMUTAP) has completed its planned 3-year run, which spanned spring 2016 through spring 2019. The Program was created by the Oregon Health Authority to help eligible providers maximize their investments in electronic health records (EHRs), meet federal Meaningful Use requirements, and assess and address EHR-related security risks to their practice.
The Program offered a suite of no-cost services to help certain Medicaid providers. Over the course of the Program, 1,588 providers across 374 clinics participated. Some providers received multiple types of assistance.
Technical Assistance Selected:
Certified EHR Adoption, Implementation, and Upgrade Assistance:
23 providers
Interoperability Consulting and Technical Assistance:
541 providers
Risk and Security Training and Assessment:
762 providers
Meaningful Use Education and Attestation Assistance:
262 providers
The Risk and Security Training Assessment proved to be the most successful component of this Program. It helped clinics directly meet a Meaningful Use requirement to be eligible for federal incentive payments and led to clinics taking action to mitigate security risks.
OMMUTAP was funded by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services through the Oregon Health Authority and provided by OCHIN. OHA contracted with OCHIN to provide this outreach and technical assistance.