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Oregon Health Authority

Rubella / German Measles (vaccine-preventable)

Disease Information

Rubella is a viral disease characterized by slight fever, rash and swollen glands. Rubella can cause a miscarriage or serious birth defects in a developing baby if a woman is infected while she is pregnant. The best protection against rubella is MMR (measles-mumps-rubella) vaccine.

Disease Reporting

What is required?

Health Care Providers and Clinical Laboratories

Health care providers and clinical laboratories are required by law to report cases and suspect cases of Rubella to local health departments immediately, day or night, after identification. Call 971-673-1111 to reach the state health department doctor on call.

Cases are subject to restriction on school attendance, day-care attendance, and patient care while in the communicable stage of the disease. If sufficient measures have been taken to prevent transmission, or the disease is no longer communicable, worksite, child-care and school restrictions can be removed by the local public health authority.

For Local Health Departments

See Also

CDC Factsheet