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Oregon Health Authority

Rulemaking Activity

HCRQI Rulemaking Activity

Information relating to rulemaking actions by the Health Care Regulation and Quality Improvement section can be accessed below and includes information on current Rule Advisory Committees (RACs) in progress as well as information on how a person or community affected by our regulatory functions may apply to serve on a Rule Advisory Committee (RAC). RACs are an important process that allow members of the public and communities to provide input and suggestions during the development of new rules or amending current rules. 

The following rules have been recently adopted or amended:

There are currently no temporary rules in place at this time

There are currently no administrative rules out for public comment at this time​​

Birthing Center Rule Advisory Committee 

This RAC is reviewing proposed amendments to the licensing requirements for a birthing center.
RAC member recruitment is closed.

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Facility Planning and Safety (FPS) Project Review RAC

The FPS RAC is proposing amendments to the project plans and construction review process as well as amendments to the physical environment requirements for hospitals, special inpatient care facilities, ambulatory surgery centers, and extended stay centers. RAC member recruitment is closed. ​ FPS Rulemaking Activity page


​​HB 2697 Hospital Staffing RAC

​In 2023 the Oregon Legislature passed House Bill 2697 which made significant changes to Oregon’s hospital staffing laws. The law requires OHA to issue rules related to the process for receiving and processing complaints under the new law. OHA is convening this RAC to provide input to the agen​cy on Hospital Staffing administrative rules beginning with temporary rules. This RAC has concluded and permanent rules filed. More information about the new hospital staffing law is at

11.29.2023 - Agenda - Minutes - Presentation​ (pdf)
03.12.2024 - Agenda 
03.18.2024 at 1:00 p.m. - Agenda​ ​
03.12.2024 and 03.18.2024 - Minutes

​​​​Health Care Regulation and Quality Improvement Rule Advisory Committee Community Participation ​

The Health Care Regulation and Quality Improvement (HCRQI) section is seeking persons and communities who would be affected by administrative rules relating to any of HCRQIs regulatory functions and who would be interested in serving on a rule advisory committee (RAC).

RACs are an important process that allow members of the public and communities to provide input and suggestions during the development of new administrative rules, amending or repealing existing rules, and identifying the potential fiscal impact on small business as well as the effect on racial equity in Oregon. Diverse opinions and viewpoints are an importand part of the rulemaking process.

The following is a list of administrative rules pertaining to the regulatory and licensing functions of programs within HCRQI. Persons interested in serving on future RACs relating to any of these topics are encouraged to complete the RAC Interest Application form and send to​. Applications will be saved and applicants contacted when future RACs are convened.
Regulatory programs:
  • Ambulatory surgery centers (OAR 333-076)
  • Caregiver registries (OAR 333-540)
  • Certificate of need (OAR 333-545 through 333-670)
  • Extended stay centers (OAR 333-076)
  • Freestanding birthing centers (OAR 333-076)
  • Health care practitioner referral (OAR 333-072)
  • Hemodialysis technician certification (OAR 333-275)
  • Home health agencies (OAR 333-027)
  • Hospice programs (OAR 333-035)
  • Hospitals (OAR 333-500 through 333-535)
  • In-home care agencies (OAR 333-536)
  • Non-transplant anatomical research recovery organizations (OAR 333-081)
  • Outpatient renal dialysis facilities (OAR 333-700)
  • Physician orders for life sustaining treatments (OAR 333-270)
  • Project plans and construction review for health care facilities, residential care, and assisted living facilities (OAR 333-675)
  • Special inpatient care facilities (OAR 333-071)
  • Tissue bank registries (OAR 333-080)