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Oregon Health Authority

Data and Analysis

Suicide Data

For the most current data: Go to the violent death data dashboard and choose the tab for "Suicide."

Violent Death Data Dashboard

See also: 


The Oregon Healthy Teens Survey is an annual survey of 8th and 11th grade students that monitors the health and well-being of adolescents in Oregon. Find student responses to depression, suicidal ideation, and suicide attempt questions for 8th grade students and 11th grade under mental health.

Monitoring and Evaluation

Monitoring of suicide rates, circumstances and risk factors can be useful for suicide prevention activities:

  • Descriptive data can be used to tailor programs to the specific characteristics of the problem in diverse jurisdictions. For example, the approach needed to prevent suicide among young African American men in the inner city is probably very different from that needed among young Indian men in rural tribal communities. Likewise, preventing suicide by firearm will differ in some important ways from preventing suicide by carbon monoxide.
  • Once a prevention program is implemented, surveillance data help monitor its impact and effectiveness, and can be used to further refine the program.
  • Data provide a means of keeping the problem of suicide on the radar screen of the public, the public health community, policy-makers, and funders.