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HARP Appeals Process


Program participants and applicants have the right to appeal any determinations or denials issued by the ReOregon Homeowner Assistance and Reconstruction Program (HARP) that affect the applicant’s eligibility or assistance determination. However, program policies or federal statutory requirements cannot be appealed.

All appeals should be submitted within 30 calendar days of receiving any program determination letter or denial by submitting a Request for Appeal. An appeal must include a detailed explanation of the reason for the appeal and can include any supporting documents. An appeal may include more than one issue for consideration, but all reasons must be submitted in one appeal. The appeal may be submitted at a ReOregon Intake Center or through one of the following methods: by email, via the application portal, or by mail to 980 Beaver Creek Drive, Martinsville, VA 24112. ReOregon will notify the applicant that it received the appeal within three (3) to five (5) business days of submission.

Appeal Deadline Extension Request 

An applicant may request more time to complete their appeal. All requests should be submitted with a detailed explanation for why the applicant missed the deadline, which is 30 calendar days since the determination letter was appealed. Applicants can submit requests via their assigned case lead, who will provide the information to the appeals team for review. The applicant will receive up to 30 more calendar days. Note that appeal deadline extensions are only granted for extenuating circumstances.

Submitting an Appeal Regarding Uniform Relocation Act Benefits and Relocation

If tenants occupy part of the property, they have the right to appeal a determination concerning the eligibility for relocation assistance, the amount of relocation assistance, or any other aspect of the assistance. The appeals process will mirror that of applicants, with the difference that tenants have 60 calendar days from the date of the program determination to submit a request for appeal.

Appeal Review

The appeals team may reach out to the applicant or tenant to request more documents or information. The team may also request information from third parties. The team will review an appeal when the program receives all requested information and documentation or finds that they are not attainable. In most cases, the program will issue an appeal determination within 20 business days of receiving a completed appeal package. Some appeals will require more time to review due to in-depth documentation; in these instances, the applicant or tenant will receive a delay decision letter or notification. The program will provide an update on the progress during the review if more time is needed.

Appeal Determination

The Appeal Determination Letter will outline the program’s decision and explain why the program made that decision. The appeals team will follow up with the applicant or tenant about the determination within seven (7) business days of sending the Appeal Determination Letter and will inform them of their options (to accept the appeal, reject the appeal, or file for a Level II final appeal review), as well as the response deadline of 15 business days. If no response is received within 15 business days, the program will accept the appeal determination on the applicant’s or tenant’s behalf.

Applicant Withdrawal of Appeal

Applicants and tenants may voluntarily withdraw their appeal request at any time prior to a final appeal determination. The applicant or tenant must submit a signed letter via email or mail stating they would like to withdraw their appeal. If an applicant or tenant chooses to withdraw the appeal request, their status in the program will remain as it was prior to submitting the appeal.

Questions About Appeals

If you have any questions or concerns, please email the ReOregon appeals team at or contact your case lead or relocation specialist for more information.

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