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What to Expect With HARP


Completing the entire HARP process will take some time. The ReOregon team will be here to support you through each step. Learn more about the steps and what you’ll need to provide to help your application process go more smoothly.

Want to know more about what you need to do at each step and what you can expect from ReOregon?

Learn how to work with the HARP team

Step 1: Eligibility questionnaire

Fill out a questionnaire so ReOregon can determine if you qualify to apply for HARP. You will not need any documents for this step.

Step 2: Application

If you are eligible, you will need to apply for HARP, submit your documents, and stop any in-progress construction or repairs.

Step 3: Eligibility review

Once your paperwork is submitted, ReOregon will verify homeownership, property information, and household income.

Step 4: Duplication of benefits review

ReOregon will look at funding you have already received for rebuilding and repairs so you do not receive more HARP assistance than you need.

Step 5: Inspection and environmental review

ReOregon will schedule and complete an inspection to assess property damage, environmental hazards, and any completed repairs.

Step 6: Award determination

ReOregon will inform you of your HARP award and benefits so you can choose a contractor and a floor plan (or model) for your home.

Step 7: Grant agreement

You will review your HARP grant with ReOregon and sign your contract so work can begin. You will also need to contribute any required funds or materials.

Step 8: Construction

You and ReOregon can monitor progress while your home is under construction or other recovery efforts are taking place.

Step 9: Grant completion

Finally, you will move into your home, and ReOregon can confirm the completion of your grant!

Download a visual walk-through of the above steps in PDF format.