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Oregon Health Authority

RRP and Lead-Based Paint Activities Accredited Training Providers

If you are looking for an accredited training course for RRP, abatement or inspection, visit our Training page.

Training program accreditation

You must apply to the Oregon Health Authority (OHA) for accreditation or reaccreditation of an initial or refresher course in Lead-Based Paint Activities (abatement and inspection) and Renovation, Repair and Painting (RRP). Oregon Administrative Rule OAR 333-070 (and, by reference, 40 CFR 745.225) establishes the requirements for training program accreditation:

  • Minimum personnel requirements
  • Minimum curriculum requirements
  • Reaccreditation; suspending, revoking, or denying accreditation; civil penalties
  • Accreditation fees


If a training program modifies its original accreditation application or changes any information, it shall notify OHA in writing within 30 days of modification.

RRP Accredited Training

Training Notifications

  • Training managers must submit a Pre-Training Notification Form (pdf or Word) to OHA at least seven business days prior to the start date of a course.
  • Training providers must complete and submit the Post-Training Notification Form (pdf or Word) and Student Roster (xls) within 10 business days of a training. For RRP classes, a training program must submit a digital photograph of the student and a fee of $50 for each student that successfully completes the training course. Copies of course certificates can be provided in lieu of digital photographs. 
  • For more information, see the OHA Pre- and Post-Training Notification Instructions (pdf).
  • If you are teaching a class in Oregon, you DO NOT need to report the pre- and post-training data to EPA.


  • A training program seeking reaccreditation must submit an application to OHA no later than 60 days before its accreditation expires.


Instructions, applications and forms

Credit card payment is now available. For instructions on using a credit card, click here.

  • Pre-Training Notification Form [pdf] or [Word]
    Form to notify OHA of upcoming lead-based paint training courses
  • Post-Training Notification Form [pdf] or [Word] 
    Form to notify OHA of completion of lead-based paint training courses

RRP cleaning verification cards

To order verification cards for RRP courses

Call OHA at 971-673-0440 or email You must be accredited to teach in Oregon to order cards.

Expiration date on cards

Verification cards can be used for five years from the date given to a student.

It is extremely important that the expiration date be punched on the cards before being given to the student.

Using a regular hole punch, punch out the number of the month the card was given to the student in the month row, and punch out the number of the year that is five years after the card was issued in the year row.

Example: If a card was issued in May of 2020, you would punch out the number 5 in the month row, and the number 25 in the year row, because the card will expire in May 2025.