Payroll System Support (PSS) has implemented online delivery of payroll and labor cost reports provided through a secure web portal to the DAS mainframe. All online reports are in PDF format.
Only those who already have access to the Oregon Statewide Payroll Application (OSPA) will have access to the full menu of payroll and labor cost reports. PSSS will only grant access to payroll labor cost reports to authorized agency accounting or fiscal staff.
We will continue to print two reports, XREF46D Registers and the B470CM Leave Accrual Detail, for distribution to agency divisions or other work units. These reports will also be available online in PDF format.
Payroll reports may contain confidential information so they are classified as Level 3 information assets and must be stored securely with access limited to approved users.
To request access to online reports, complete the Electronic Reports Access Request - OSPS Form. Access must be approved by the agency payroll manager or other manager responsible for agency's payroll operation.
To receive full access to all payroll reports, you must already have access to OSPA.
Saving Reports
This is a summary of the instructions to save reports to a state agency’s secured LAN.
- Follow this link https://columbia.das.state.or.us:3045/cics/pw60/ospsw060. Login to the secured payroll portal using your RACF ID and mainframe password.
- Click on the appropriate link to access the group of reports for prelim or final run of payroll.
- Highlight the report name of each report using your mouse – be careful to highlight and not open the report for viewing.
- Copy the report name that you highlighted (by pressing Ctrl+c or by right mouse click and select Copy from drop down list.) NOTE: If you don’t copy the name of the report, it will save it using a default unrecognized number and will make it difficult for you to identify the report.
- Right mouse click on name you copied and, on the drop down list, select Save Target As… Exercise caution when right clicking on the highlighted report name that you copied. If you right click on the report name preceding or following the intended report, you will save the wrong report under the name you copied.
- When the Save As dialog box opens first, paste the report name you copied in the file name box (by pressing Ctrl+v or by right mouse click and select Paste from drop down list) and then navigate to the secured folder created by your agency, or your CD drive, and click the Save button.
- Repeat the above steps for all reports.
For more detailed and visual instruction for accessing and saving online payroll reports, consult the following document: E-Reports Instructions.
Frequently Asked Questions
How long will it take to set me up?
OSPS staff will process requests periodically throughout the day, generally within two hours of receipt. Authorized employees will receive an e-mail confirmation with a link to the reports, and they are encouraged to sign on immediately to verify their access.
I have tried repeatedly to sign in, but the system doesn't recognize the website. What's wrong?
There are some firewalls that will prevent agency employees from accessing the secured mainframe. You may need to contact your agency’s IT department to determine if this could be an issue.
Double check all entries for correctness. Additionally, you will want to verify that you are using the same password that you use to login to OSPA. If you continue to have issues, please contact the OSPS Helpdesk at osps.help@oregon.gov.
The reports have multiple sections. How do I separate each section into individual PDF documents?
You must have the full Adobe Acrobat software to perform the following steps.
- Open the large PDF file. Identify the page numbers of the section you want to make into its own file.
- Print the pages to a new PDF file. Choose “File > Print…” from the menu bar.
- In the dialog box that comes up, select “Adobe PDF” as your printer.
- Next, in that same dialog box, "Print Range" section, tell the printer which pages you want to print in the box to the right of the "Pages" radio button.
- Press the “OK” button on the dialog box. The software will begin the process, and then prompt you for a location and name for your new, smaller PDF.
- Choose where you want to store this new PDF, and give the file a name.
- That’s it. Repeat as needed for other sections.
Resources on this page are being retained for a transitional period following the launch of Workday Payroll in Dec. 2022. For current payroll process information, visit the Workday Site.