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Education and Outreach

Education and Outreach services include workshops, lectures, conferences and public forums for local governments at no charge. The program also provides publications, references, and guidance documents to support local transportation and land use planning. 


New Publication: Vibrant Oregon Downtowns

This comprehensive guidebook provides tools and resources to overcome common barriers to development, redevelopment, and recovery of small to mid-sized Oregon downtowns. Visit the interactive website and read the guidebook to review compelling case studies and glean best practices for downtown development.


We provide consultants to facilitate community workshops and write short memos on transportation and land use. Recent topics include:

  • Health impacts of urban design and transportation networks
  • Urban design supporting vibrant, walkable, livable, neighborhoods and downtowns
  • Main street and downtown revitalization
  • Changing one-way streets to two-way streets
  • Housing choices and design
  • The costs of different growth patterns
  • Parking management
  • School siting and safe routes to school

Our services explore local solutions to transportation and growth management issues. Services are available on a first-come, first-served basis. Local governments provide support, but there is no required cash match.

Lecture Series and Conferences

We sponsor conferences and lecture series to teach targeted audiences, as well as the general public, how to improve transportation options and community livability.

Request Assistance

If your community would like a memo, workshop, or other event, please send a short letter (1-2 pages) addressing:
  • The specific issue or problem you want us to address
  • A brief background of the context for the workshop or lecture (e.g., geographic areas in the community to receive focus, recent problems, new challenges, recent or imminent planning initiatives, etc.)
  • What you want the event to accomplish
  • How you plan to promote the event.

Include with your letter a resolution from local decision makers (e.g., planning commission, city council, mayor) showing support for the proposed event. Send both to the TGM Education and Outreach contact.

Communities are expected to arrange and provide:

  • A location to accommodate desired audiences, that can handle visual computer presentations
  • Relevant background materials such as local maps or planning documents
  • Food or refreshments
  • Event promotion such as local newspaper notices and flyer distribution

Sample Projects

Klamath Falls Downtown Streetscape plan. This project explored how to improve Klamath Falls' downtown streetscape, including the possibility of moving from one-way streets to two-way streets. (Community presentation slideshow).

North Plains Housing Design memo. This project looked at opportunities to boost the diversity of housing choices in North Plains (Community presentation slideshow).


Kathy Kleczek
Land Use & Transportation Planner
Phone: 971-446-1102