The Quick Response (QR) program helps cities find ways to implement transportation and land use plans and assists with multi-modal problem solving. QR projects are typically site specific, small scale, and short term. They facilitate future development that can occur within three years. These projects should meet local goals, as well as,
TGM goals and objectives to:
- Promote transportation and development that builds a balanced system with opportunities for people to walk, bike, and use transit;
- Increase ease or availability of walking, biking and transit;
- Provide alternatives to, or delay the need for, major road expansion;
- Provide alternatives to, or delay the need for, urban growth boundary expansion.
Quick Response projects help bridge the gap between long range planning and projects that are ready to begin. The project must be sponsored by the local government and have ODOT and DLCD support. For projects involving private development, the property owner or developer must also support the project and TGM objectives. Projects are carried out by consultants, who work directly with the local governments, but are hired by TGM through ODOT’s procurement process.
Local jurisdictions can apply for a Quick Response project by sending a letter to TGM with a description of the proposed project. There is no specific application form and no application deadline. Also, a cash match is not required, but each project requires significant involvement of local jurisdiction staff and support including public notices and meeting logistics. Projects are selected based on the
Quick Response Eligibility Criteria and Selection Factors.
Projects that are not small scale, site specific, and short term may be candidates for other grants. See the DLCD Grant Information page for more details.
Types of Projects
Local governments and special districts may seek Quick Response program help in response to a development opportunity that could address the community's vision for a well-planned development that is served by a balanced transportation network. (The project may include multiple properties.) Program services may include location and multi-modal analysis to improve walking, biking, and transit, and facilitated community involvement that results in conceptual site plans and a feasibility analysis.
Program assistance is limited to site alternatives analysis, development feasibility analysis, multi-modal transportation analysis, and related assistance. It does not include engineering design or construction. Quick Response includes the following types of projects:
- Private Development: Assist cities, counties and private developers in conceptual design of mixed-use pedestrian-oriented development projects where near-term development is desired. Both the local government and property owner/developer must agree to participate in the project.
- Public Facility Siting and Design: Provide conceptual site design assistance and feasibility analysis for projects that are moving toward implementation. For example, a school district may wish to evaluate the relative merits of renovating an existing school versus building a new facility. Services are provided at the request of a government entity (e.g., city, county, special district, tribe). If the project involves multiple agencies, all must agree to participate.
- School Access and Siting: This program element can include traffic safety assessments of school parking, circulation, and loading. Help is provided at the request of the school district, with city or county coordination and participation.
- Multi-modal Streetscape Planning: Assist cities, counties and state agencies with multi-modal streetscape planning to enhance funded transportation projects. These projects are typically at the request of local governments and located on local facilities. When the project is for an ODOT road, the ODOT regional office must participate.
- Intermodal Connections: Conduct feasibility assessments and site planning related to inter-modal (passengers or freight) transfer facilities. Requests for these types of projects are made by a local government, state agency, transit agency, port, tribe and/or private entity. If the project involves a private entity and multiple government entities, all parties must agree to participate.
Project One-Pagers
Talent Gateway The Talent Gateway Site Development Plan offered an opportunity for the City of Talent to plan for future development of a key 4.5 acre downtown property owned by the Talent Urban Renewal Agency
Athena-Weston School Site Design. The School District and City requested site design assistance focused on creating Safe Routes to School and enhanced campus accessibility.
Sample Projects
Silverton - Eugene Field Site Concept Plan (23 MB)
The Silverton project looked at redevelopment options for a downtown site including a new police station and city hall.
Grants Pass - Dimmick Site Concept Plan Project (7MB)
The Dimmick Site Concept Plan project is part of a larger project to create a redevelopment plan for the former Josephine General Hospital site near downtown Grants Pass.
Independence - Valley Concrete (7MB)
The Valley Concrete site presented a unique opportunity for redevelopment adjacent to the Willamette River, Riverview Park, and historic downtown Independence.
Milwaukie - 19th Avenue Project (4MB)
The project helped design a neighborhood greenway connecting two riverfront parks in Milwaukie.
Newport - South Beach Peninsula Transportation Refinement Plan (large file 26MB)
Transportation improvements on the South Beach Peninsula in Newport were planned to accommodate bicycles and pedestrians, and improve vehicle safety and access to parking.
Roseburg - Downtown Plaza and Transit Center Design (3MB)
This project studied options for a central plaza and transit center in downtown Roseburg.