Public Health Assessment (PHAs)
Provide comments on our findings and activities
One way for the public to share information with us, is to provide comments on our findings or proposed activities outlined in draft reports or documents.
See our J.H. Baxter page. We are accepting public comments on the J.H. Baxter Health Consultation until 7/31/2023.
Environmental Health Education and Outreach
Host or partner with EHAP on a soilSHOP event
EHAP promotes innovative health education and outreach events called "soilSHOPs" to help people learn if their soil is contaminated with lead or other metals, and how to reduce exposures to contaminated soil and garden grown food. The name soilSHOP stands for Soil, Screening, Health, Outreach and Partnership. The Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) developed a toolkit to help communities and other groups plan their own soilSHOP events.
See our soilSHOP webpage for updates and upcoming soilSHOP events in Oregon: Click
Review and request educational material and resources
EHAP creates educational material to help communities learn about the human health risks of environmental contamination, and how to prevent exposures to harmful contaminants and protect health. EHAP welcomes community input on all materials created. Review fact sheets, reports, and web contact EHAP with your comments, questions, and advice. Also, contact EHAP to request new materials and resources. Request presentations, meetings, involvement, and partnership in community-level events.
EHAP responds to community-based organizations and local residents who express environmental health related concerns. EHAP's level of involvement depends on currents workload and capacity to contribute. Contact EHAP to find out more.
Watch the recorded Environmental Health Investigations webinar
Many people living near industrial facilities or hazardous waste are concerned about health risks to their families and communities. This webinar, featuring, Dr. Lambert from Oregon Health & Science University provides information to understand different environmental health investigation strategies and the types of questions they may answer. With this information, a community can pursue the approach that is most likely to meet their needs.
Civic Engagement
Participate in Cleaner Air Oregon / Reform industrial air toxics regulations
Get involved in Cleaner Air Oregon, the initiative to reform industrial air toxics regulations and align them with public health.
Participate in the legislative process
Every two years the Oregon Legislature meets to review proposals for changes to existing laws, and review proposals to create new laws. Elected officials rely on community members to share their environmental health related interests and concerns to represent the interests of their constituents. While EHAP is not involved in political advocacy work EHAP provides resources for elected officials, agencies, community members and community organizations to make informed decision about environmental health policy.
Environmental Health Funding Opportunities
Based on capacity and workload, EHAP reviews, partners on, and contributes to grant and funding opportunities that address environmental public health related topics and community concerns. A list of common sources of funding available to agencies, non-profits and community based organizations include:
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
Agency for Toxic Substance and Disease Registry (ATSDR)
Community Health Projects related to contamination at Brownfield/Land Reuse Sites