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Organization Collaboration

Note: No additional deadlines are scheduled for the 2023-2025 biennium.


OWEB first announced this grant offering in July 2013. The purpose of this grant offering is to support new or expanded strategic collaborations in order to build resilient, sustainable, local organizations that achieve ecological outcomes and engage local communities. Grants support the following activities: 1) evaluating the operational structure of multiple collaborating organizations to improve service delivery or reach under-served communities/geographies, which may result in sharing of staff and services among the organizations; and 2) merger/consolidations of organizations. The applicants must demonstrate that the options being considered will strengthen the impact and build resiliency and sustainability of multiple organizations.


Any group of organizations working to support new or expanded strategic collaborations in order to build resilient, sustainable, local organizations that achieve ecological outcomes and engage local communities. At least one of the organizations applying must be either a watershed council, soil and water conservation district, or land trust.


How to Apply

  • Each partnership interested in applying for an Organizational Collaboration grant is required to participate in a pre-application consultation with OWEB staff. Consultations will occur throughout the year and can be scheduled by contacting Courtney Shaff, 971-345-7012.
  • Once you have scheduled your consultation OWEB staff will provide you the link to the online application.
  • The maximum request is $75,000.


There are no additional deadlines scheduled for the 2023-2025 biennium.

The review process involves a technical review team composed of OWEB staff and external reviewers and involves an interview with the staff and board of all organizations involved in the grant.


Please direct questions or comments to Courtney Shaff, Monitoring and Reporting Manager, 971-345-7012.