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Residential Programs

List of Residential Programs

Please note: The decision of where a youth is placed is made by their treatment team, in consultation with the youth and their family, and based on the youth's needs as well as where openings are available. The list below is only meant to help you learn more about the program where your youth is placed

Address: 7310 SE Lambert St., Portland, OR 97206
Phone: 503-379-0116

Claudia House is a gender inclusive program serving youth of color and others, ages 18-24 in need of transitional housing and re-entry services in an environment that is culturally and linguistically diverse (Spanish & French) and responsive to the identities of the young adult.
Services include:
  • Pre-placement services
  • Educational opportunities and vocational skills
  • Career/Job readiness training
  • Preparation for independent living and transitional services

Address: 865 NW Reiman Ave., Corvallis, OR 97330​
Phone: 541-758-3000​

This is a ​transitional housing program for OYA youth, ages 18-24. Services include supervised housing, mental health services, alcohol and drug treatment, vocational assessment and training, transitional living classes, mentoring, and skill development. The program also provides on-site child care, a medical clinic, alcohol and drug treatment, and mental health counseling.​​

Address: 4890 32nd Ave. SE, Salem, OR 97317
Phone: 503-588-5647

​Run by Connections365, Project 180 is a short-term program for male OYA youth, ages 12-18. It is geared toward youth who are on probation in the community and are at risk of commiting a probation violation. Project 180 helps these youth stabilize so that they can return to their residential/community placement rather than being committed to a youth correctional facility.

Services include:

  • Individual and group counseling and skill building
  • Variety of treatment programs
  • Exercise program
  • Community service opportunities
  • Educational opportunities
  • Gardening program​

Address: 4890 32nd Ave. SE, Salem, OR 97317
Phone: 503-588-5647

​The Continuum is an intensive behavioral support program that serves male OYA youth, ages 14-21. It is geared toward youth who have difficulty regulating their emotions because they have experienced complex developmental trauma or they have other mental health concerns.

Services include:

  • Intensive behavioral support
  • Single rooms
  • Transitional services when youth move in and out of the program
  • Individual counseling and skill building
  • Alternative school setting in a self-contained classroom
  • Independent living skills

​Address: 808 SE 15th St., Pendleton, OR 97801
Phone: 541-276-5433​

Homestead Youth and Family Services Launch Pad serves male OYA youth, ages 17.5 to 22. The Launch Pad is an Enhanced Services Independent Living Program. The focus is on teaching youth the necessary skills for living on their own. Services include counseling, skill building and support with transition to fully independent living. Youth will have completed a BRS (or equivalent) program to address issues related to identified treatment issues. 

Services include:

  • Individual, group and family counseling
  • Substance use treatment
  • Sex offense specific aftercare services 
  • Independent living skills
  • Vocational skills
  • Educational opportunities​

Mailing Address: PO Box 1325, Pendleton, OR 97801
Physical Address: 816 SE 15th St., Pendleton, OR 97801
Phone: 541-276-5433

Homestead has a basic residential program for male youth, ages 14-20. They are geared toward at-risk youth or youth who are on probation or parole.

Services include:

  • Drug and alcohol assessment and education
  • Group, individual, and family counseling
  • On-site public schooling
  • Family, psychological, and sexual assessments​

Address: Bend, OR​
Phone: 541-383-3515

Grandma's House program serves youth ages 13-24, who may be pregnant or parenting for up to twelve months. It offers housing-focused case management services in a safe and supportive shelter; and supports planning for long-term self-sufficiency with resources for life and parenting skills​

Services include:

  • Domestic violence and trafficking survivor support and case management
  • Life skills and housing focused case management
  • Health screenings, home health nurse visits, parenting and childbirth classes
  • Employment and education support
  • Pro-social activities


Address: Bend, OR
Phone: 541-678-3665

J5 is a short-term program that serves male OYA youth, ages 13-24. It is geared toward youth who are already in OYA custody and are at risk of having their parole or probation status revoked and being committed to a youth correctional facility.

Services include:

  • Individualized stabilization planning
  • Individual and group counseling
  • Evidence-based approaches
  • Education completion
  • Vocational skills development
  • Life skills development and practice​
bulletin board with art
garden outside

Website: ​
Address: Bend, OR
Phone: 541-382-0934

The Loft (Living Options for Teens) is an independent living program for female OYA youth, ages 17.5-24. The Loft is a structured, life skills modeling environment that uses evidence-based approaches such as positive youth development trauma-informed care, and harm reduction.

Services include:

  • Educational completion
  • Vocational skills development
  • Life skills development and practice
  • In-house alcohol and drug treatment groups​

Website: ​
Address: Bend, OR
Phone: 541-678-3665

​Boys Ranch is a residential treatment program serving male OYA youth, ages 13-19.

Located on a 40-acre ranch, J Bar J uses evidence-based practices to teach that freedom and responsibility go hand in hand. The program helps youth understand the origins of their self-defeating behaviors and provides mechanisms and structure to successfully address mistaken believes.

Services include: 

  • Structured group living
  • An accountability-based treatment model
  • Drug and alcohol information
  • On-site accredited school and vocation program
  • Sport-oriented activity programs
  • Equine therapy
  • Treatment for sex offenses
field outside
dorm with beds
school classroom

Website: ​
Address: Bend, OR 
Phone: 541-678-3665

​The Apartment is an independent living program serving male OYA youth, ages 17.5-23. Residents receive training in independent living skills, including:

  • budgeting
  • shopping
  • meal preparation
  • cleanliness
  • time management
Youth have the chance to show application of treatment, develop professional and vocational skills by finding employment, save money for transitioning back to the community, and continue their education.

Services include:
  • Evidence-based approaches
  • Education completion and vocational development
  • Life skills development and practice
  • In-house alcohol and drug treatment
  • Comprehensive mental health and medical referrals​
field outside
school classroom

Address: Portland, OR
Phone: 503-286-1015

​Atlas serves OYA y​​outh, ages 16-21. Formerly Imani House, Atlas provides structured and supported life and vocational skills in a residential setting and assists youth in:
  • Identifying self-regulation interventions
  • Developing life skill competencies
  • Addressing development of educational, vocational, and interpersonal skills

Programs include:
  • Life and vocational skills
  • Transitioning into adulthood
  • Job readiness
  • ​Independent living skills


Address: Portland, OR
Phone: 503-708-7356

Buckman is an independent living residential treatment program that serves youth ages 17-24. It is geared toward youth who were adjudicated for sex offenses. The program helps these youth practice and learn to demonstrate healthy behaviors in the community, and teaches them independent living skills.

Services include:

  • Sex offender assessment and treatment
  • Problem solving/conflict resolution
  • Responsibility-based group living
  • Individual and group counseling
  • Training in independent living, employment, and social skills
  • Family clarification
  • Education programs

Address: Tigard, OR 
Phone: 503-244-2068

Cordero is a residential treatment program that serves OYA youth, ages 14-19. It is geared toward youth who need treatment for sex offenses. The program also serves youth who have executive functioning challenges such as Asperger's, complications from brain trauma, or fetal alcohol or methamphetamine addiction.

Cordero provides a community-based setting with a high level of structure and supervision. Mental health therapists assess each youth's needs and provide diagnosis. 

Services include:

  • ​Long-term treatment for sex offenses
  • Alcohol and drug assessment, education, and treatment
  • Structure group living
  • On-site high school, certified through the Tigard-Tualatin School District
  • Opportunities for online college courses, GED preparation, and participation at Tigard High School
  • Individual, group, and family counseling
  • Parent education group​

Josephine County Juvenile Department 
Site Address: 301 NW F St. Grants Pass, OR 97526
Mailing Address: 301 NW F Street, Grants Pass OR 97526
Contact: Jessi Watkins, 541-474-5186

The GOAL (Growth, Obstacles, Adversity & Learning) program is a 30-Day Extended Detention serves youth, ages 13-17, who are within the jurisdiction of the Court and can be identified through the following qualifying conditions:
  • Youth who have experienced multiple probation violations and have not responded or complied with the structured sanction process.
  • Youth who have not responded to outpatient substance abuse counseling and treatment demonstrated through non-attendance resulting in treatment discharge, random urinalysis that is positive for use of alcohol or drugs.
  • Youth who are court ordered into residential placement and require a short-term secure program while awaiting a placement opening.
  • Youth awaiting an assessment or evaluation required for future placement.
The mission of the "GOAL" Program is to provide cognitive behavioral interventions to address risks, needs and responsivity factors, thereby promoting habilitation and public safety. Restorative Justice principles will be utilized in pursuit of meaningful outcomes for all involved parties. Youth will learn to think about how they think and develop strategies to improve communication, emotional regulation and cognitive flexibility. The "GOAL" Program is designed to increase a youth's ability to identify and address risk behavior, develop competency skills, to enforce a period of sobriety and to enhance a youth's ability for successful transition into an appropriate residential program or return to the community with aftercare supports.
NOTE: The program has a requirement to prioritize Josephine first and Southern region referrals second to ensure compliance with a local funding and protocols. All referrals are subject to screening process with an emphasis on placement history and presenting problems.

Address: 3632 N Trenton St., Portland OR
Phone: 503-954-2538

Run by the Joyce Finley Foundation Inc., Arthur's House is a residential program for marginalized young men ages 18-24. The program’s vision is to create safe spaces for youth to envision their future while receiving mental health support, social and economic restoration, and community partner resources. The program provides transitional housing, supportive care, advocacy, and recovery-focused skill development.

Services include:
  • Assessment
  • Planning
  • Resource coordination
  • Parenting support
  • Employment and life skills
  • Health and wellness



Address: Klamath Falls, OR 
Phone: 541-851-3925

This program serves female OYA youth, ages 13-20. It is a short-term program geared toward youth who are at risk of having a parole violation. The program includes intensive treatment for substance abuse, skills training, in-house education, and help transitioning back into the community.

Services include:

  • Structured group living
  • Social services delivered by a qualified mental health professional
  • On-site alternative school
  • Skills building groups and individuals
  • Group and individual therapy
  • Mental and physical health treatment
  • Assessments and medication management
  • Drug and alcohol treatment


Phone: 541-393-1440​

​The Regional Crisis Center – East Campus (RCCE) is a Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facility. They provide sub-acute and psychiatric residential treatment services. It is designed for youth in need of mental health treatment in a therapeutic residential environment. RCCE is considered a secure setting. While outer doors are locked and there is a fence around the perimeter, please note that it is NOT close custody. RCCE is not meant for long-term treatment. They provide assessment and stabilization with the goal of moving youth to the appropriate level of care that meets their needs. They serve male- and female-identifying youth, ages 12-17.

Services Include:

  • Mental health assessment
  • Psychiatric evaluation and monitoring
  • Nursing services     
  • Individual therapy
  • Individual and group skill building       
  • On site school
  • AOD assessment as needed

​​​​Looking Glass front of building.jpg​​​​​

Address: 11035 NE Sandy Blvd., Portland, OR 97220
Phone: 503-736-6646

Counterpoint is a proctor care program serving male OYA youth, ages 13-18. It is an evidence-based program that provides treatment for sexual offenses.

Counterpoint uses a day treatment format combined with a proctor care model. The program is comprehensive and intensive, lasting an average of 18 months. It is designed to help youth successfully return to their families or to transition to an independent living program.

Services include: 

  • On-site education
  • Treatment for sex offenses
  • Alcohol and other drug treatment services
  • Treatment focused on past traumas
  • Individual, family, and group counseling



Address: 1401 NE 68th Pl, Portland OR 97213
Phone: 503-988-5988​             

Multnomah Assessment and Evaluation (A&E) Program is a voluntary, short-term residential program that serves youth ages 13-18. The goal for this program is to provide a safe place where youth can quickly enter and begin receiving services while those working with the youth and family can make longer term plans for the youth. The program follows best practices for trauma-informed care and emphasizes strength-based and cognitive-behavioral interventions.

Services include:

  • Individual and group counseling
  • Cultural and gender specific activities when available
  • Skills training
  • Mental Health Assessments
  • Drug and alcohol assessments              
  • Medical services​


Alternative School/Day Treatment
Address:​ 965 Tucker Rd.​, Hood River, OR 97031
Phone: 541-386-6665​

Residential Home
The Dalles, OR

​The Next Door, Inc./Klahre House is a residential treatment program serving male OYA youth, ages ​13-17. ​It offers day treatment and educational services in both staffed residential and proctor settings. The program provides a highly structured, therapeutic environment that emphasizes individual treatment planning, experiential growth, academic progress, and behavior change as well as support for the families of the youth in care.

Quality care, treatment, and education are provided by well-trained, professional staff who embrace core values and incorporate evidence-based practices in meeting the needs of youth and their families.​

Services include: 

  • ​​Structured living model with skill building
  • ​On-site licensed alternative school, with options to attend public school or community college
  • Pre-employment training
  • Alcohol and drug assessment
  • Mental health treatment
  • Treatment for sexually aggressive youth​


211 Webber Road, The Dalles, OR 97058

Phone: 541-298-1447

The Northern Oregon Regional Correction Facility (NORCOR) Youth Care Center is a detention-based program that serves male youth, ages 14-17, who are pending placement with the Oregon Youth Authority or who are at risk of placement in a youth correctional facility. The program uses a developmental approach to increase youths’ skills in pro-social and legally acceptable behavior, and to stabilize youth for longer-term program placement or return to home.

Services include:
  • Interventions to increase positive social skills
  • Engagement in services to address risk factors leading to criminal behavior
  • Alcohol and drug education and treatment
  • Education and vocational skills
  • Physical and mental health assessments
  • Special education services
  • Transition planning and treatment readiness
  • Recreation and community involvement


Mailing Address: 70 SW Century Dr. Suite 100-118, Bend, OR 97702
Site Address: Bend, OR
Phone: 541-508-8906​

​​Northwest Youth Discovery is a residential program that serves OYA​ youth, ages 12-24.​ They use evidence-based approaches to target those psychosocial, emotional, and behavioral issues that have impeded clients from achieving their full potential.​

Education services are a priority, and youth have the opportunity to attend schools in the Bend-LaPine School District and work toward a high school diploma or GED.​ There are also opportunities to pursue ​vocational training through community college and work programs.

Services include: 

  • Goal development
  • After-care services
  • Individual and group counseling
  • Therapeutic work experience and recreation
  • Crisis support
  • Educational support
  • C​ulinary experience
  • Cultural/spiritual involvement
  • Independent living skills​​
inside wall mural

Address: 1170 Pearl St., Eugene, OR 97401​
Phone: 541-743-4340​

OCP is a proctor care program for male or female youth, ages ​12-18. It provides community-based treatment as an alternative to group care and institutionalization. The program focuses on youth who have a history of chronic law violations, multiple adjustment and behavioral/ emotional difficulties, including family problems, poor peer relations, school failure, minimal school performance, low self-esteem and mental health concerns.​

Services include:

  • ​Structured living environment
  • Therapeutic Foster Care using an evidence-based model
  • Behavioral Health Treatment Foster Care (BH-TFC)
  • Assessment and evaluation
  • Youth attend public school
  • Individual and family therapy
  • Skills building

Temporary Address During Construction: 2595 Christie Dr., Lake Oswego, OR 97034
​Phone: 503-266-3050​

Parrott Creek offers the following program for OYA youth:

  • ​A residential treatment facility in a rural setting for youth ages 14-18​, who would otherwise be placed in a youth correctional facility.​​ Services at the residential facility include:
    • ​Structured group living
    • On-site school program
    • Individual, group and family counseling
    • Average length of stay 8-12 months
    • Alcohol and drug counseling
    • ​​Vocational/occupational counseling and assistance​
    • Treatment for sex offenses​

Address: ​16140 West Ellendale Rd., Dallas, OR 97338
Phone: 503-623-3310

This is a proctor care program that provides a community-based treatment alternative to group care and institutionalization for male OYA youth ages 12-17.​ Youth Programs focuses on youth who have a history of chronic law violations, and multiple adjustment and behavioral and emotional problems, including family problems, poor peer relations, school failure, minimal school performance, low self-esteem, and mental health problems.​

Services include:

  • Structured living environment
  • Assessment and evaluation
  • Youth attend public school
  • Individual and family counseling
  • Psycho-social skills training
  • Mental health treatment
  • Transition services
  • Outpatient drug and alcohol treatment
  • Skills training
  • Independent living and relapse prevention groups​​​

Address: 338 Highway 99 N, Eugene, OR 97402​
Phone: 541-485-8341​

Sponsors is a short-term transitional housing program for OYA youth ages 18 and older. They provide housing for young men and women with criminal histories and offer a range of services designed to reduce future criminal behavior. This includes mentoring, cognitive behavioral therapy, employment services, educational programming, substance abuse treatment, and housing for people convicted of sex offenses.​​

Address: 16535 SW Tualatin Valley Highway, Beaverton, OR 97006
Phone: 503-649-5651 

St. Mary’s provides a residential campus for male OYA youth, ages 13-17. Treatment includes individual, group, and family counseling along with multiple skill training, education, and transition experiences. Services are available for fire setters, those who require stabilization, assessment, and evaluation, as well as youth who committed sex offenses.

Services include:
  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
  • Aggression Replacement Training
  • Structured group living 
  • On-site school through the Northwest Regional Education Service District's Levi Anderson Learning Center
  • On-site alcohol and drug education
  • Skill training
  • Counseling
  • Mental health treatment
  • Services to help youth transition back to the community
  • Groups include mindfulness, grief and loss, and support for abuse survivors
  • Mentoring program
  • Indoor swimming pool, high school gym, basketball team, athletic field for softball and soccer
  • Summer enrichment program that includes classes from OMSI, Chess for Success, and Oregon Children's Theatre
bedroom with bed and dresser
day room with couches and TV
indoor swimming pool
ourdoor pavilion with picnic tables

Address: Salem, OR
Ph​one: 503-393-2966

Team Bailey serves male OYA youth of color, ages 17-24. It provides transition from a more restrictive environment to the community.  Youth gain skills to ensure success in transition to independence, and learn about resources and tools for independent living.

Programs include:
  • Counseling and mental health services
  • Structured group living
  • Cultural specific services
  • Preparation for independent living and transitional services

Address: Salem, OR

Casa De Maple (House of Maple) es un programa residencial ubicado en Salem, Oregon. Casa De Maple atiende a jóvenes latinos varones de 16 años y tiene un contrato con OYA para 5 camas. La intención de este programa es satisfacer las necesidades lingüísticas y culturales de nuestra población latina. Los servicios serán prestados por personal culturalmente diverso, y proporcionarán comidas, actividades y otros servicios relevantes culturalmente apropiados. La documentación para jóvenes y familias estará disponible en español e inglés. El personal de Casa De Maple ayudará a los jóvenes a adquirir habilidades durante la colocación y se asegurará de que puedan tener éxito y continuar su desarrollo de habilidades a medida que hacen la transición a la independencia. ​
Casa De Maple (House of Maple) is a residential program located in Salem, Oregon. Casa De Maple serves male Latino youth ages 16 and up is contracted with OYA for five beds. The intent of this program is to meet the linguistic and cultural needs of our Latino population. Services will be delivered by culturally diverse staff, and they will provide culturally appropriate meals, activities, and other relevant services. Documentation for youth and families will be available in Spanish and English. Casa De Maple staff will help youth gain skills during placement and ensure they can succeed and continue their skill-building as they transition to independence. 

Casa De Maple - front.jpg

Casa De Maple - entryway.jpg 

Casa De Maple - living room.jpg 

Casa De Maple - bedroom.jpg

Address: 301 NW F Street, Grants Pass, OR 97526
Phone: 541-474-5221

Turning Point is a residential treatment program that serves OYA youth, ages 13-17. This program helps prepare youth for a successful transition into a less-restrictive community-based treatment program, foster or proctor care home, a home with intensive community-based services, or independent living situations. The program helps youth increase their awareness of the connection between thoughts, attitudes,
and behavior; identify risky or anti-social thoughts; increase understanding that beliefs and attitudes can be changed; and develop or increase thoughts/skills leading to positive social behavior.

Services include: 
  • ​individual assessment and evaluation to establish treatment goals
  • individual and group counseling
  • individual and group skill-building
  • alcohol and drug treatment
  • recreational, cultural, and gender-specific activities
  • primary health care
  • referrals for mental health assessment and services

Site Address: Portland, OR
Phone: 503-233-6121

Located in the Portland Metro area, the College and Career Attainment Program offers culturally-responsive behavior rehabilitation services through proctor foster home placements and a Career Center. Aimed at young people ages 17-25 in the care of the Oregon Youth Authority, the program supports successful community transitions by focusing on essential skills development, job readiness training, college and career planning, budgeting, and independent living skills. Additionally, it includes Individual Development Accounts and RentWell Classes to further promote a smooth transition to adulthood.​​

Address: 121 E Historic Columbia River Hwy, Troutdale OR 97060
Phone: 971-293-9237

Located in the Portland area, Youth Unlimited Inc. (YUI) delivers culturally-centered and gender-specific services to African American and other youth of color. They offer residential care in culturally specific proctor homes and focus on the recruitment and retention of African American foster parents and other parents of color.

Services include:
  • Counseling
  • Resources and support that respect youths' cultural needs
  • An environment that encourages the development of academic, cultural and social engagement skills
  • Education services that match youths' level of need
    This could include public school, alternative education, or connection to community resources for a GED.
  • Behavioral Health Treatment Foster Care (BH-TFC)

Youth Unlimited, Inc.

Youth Unlimited, Inc.