The Electric Vehicle Dashboard was developed to share information about Oregon electric vehicle adoption rates, most popular EV models, charging information, and more. The dashboard includes EV registration data through October 2024.
Click on the the dark blue boxes along the header of the infographic to navigate through the dashboard, and take advantage of the interactivity to view EV locations, trends, and model information.
Last updated: February 2025
About the Project
The dashboard displays Oregon’s total number of electric vehicles by type, such as battery electric vehicles and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles, and by county location. Each county’s data can be drilled down to display a variety of information, including the number of BEVs and PHEVs for every 1,000 residents, the area’s median household income, and average work travel time. A deeper dive through interactive maps shows EVs by electric utility and by census tract. You can even calculate specific savings by EV model and electricity costs. Note that the dashboard does not count models deemed "hybrid" that do not plug in to charge the battery using electricity.
The new dashboard was a collaborative effort with help from ODOE summer interns, Oregon zero emission vehicle advocates, and other State of Oregon partners. The dashboard supports a larger effort to promote vehicle electrification, meet Oregon’s electric vehicle adoption goals, and create a centrally-located resource for Oregon EV data.
Dashboard development was supported by a U.S. Department of Energy State Energy Program formula grant, which ODOE uses to support increased alternative fuel vehicle adoption and carbon reduction in the transportation sector, including electric vehicles.
About the Data
ODOE's dashboard includes internal agency data, as well as data from the Oregon Department of Transportation’s Driver & Motor Vehicle Services, the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality's Clean Fuels Program, Portland State University, U.S. Census Bureau, U.S. Department of Energy, Hyundai USA, U.S. Energy Information Administration, and the Federal Highway Administration.
Download the background data (Excel):