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At least 20 hours of Continuing Education Units (CEUs) during every three-year renewal period for PSS - Adult Addictions and PSS - Adult Mental Health, only. At least three of the 20 hours must be from suicide risk assessment, treatment, and management appropriate to the PSS scope of work. At least 40 hours of Continuing Education Units (CEUs) during every three-year renewal period for PSS-Family Support Specialist as well as for PSS-Youth Specialist, only. The use of lived experience and ethical practice must be a topic included within the 40 hours. A list of Suicide Prevention Trainings (PDF) Additional Suicide Prevention Trainings/CEU's Raices de Bienestar Suicide Prevention for the Latinx Community Training CEU's Competency Test If your PSS certification has lapsed more than 6 months, you have the option of taking a Competency Test. You must submit proof of successful completion of the competency test along with the required CEUs. PSS-Adult Addictions and PSS-Adult Mental Health - Administered by FolkTime: Sign up form for PSS Competency ExamPSS-Youth Support Specialist - Administered by Youth Era: Youth Support Specialist Competency Skills Test PSS-Family Support Specialist - Administered by Oregon Family Support Network: Family Support Specialist Competency Skills Test
A list of Suicide Prevention Trainings (PDF)
Additional Suicide Prevention Trainings/CEU's
Raices de Bienestar Suicide Prevention for the Latinx Community Training CEU's
Competency Test
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