Introduced by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) in the mid-1990s, the Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (CAHPS) survey asks consumers and patients to report on and evaluate their experiences with health care.
OHA administers approximately 45,000 CAHPS health plan (Medicaid) surveys annually among its adult and child members. These surveys cover topics that are important to consumers and focus on aspects of quality that consumers are best qualified to assess, such as the communication skills of providers and ease of access to health care services.
The survey results help inform decisions for those involved with providing care to OHP members and to improve the quality of health care services. Several state quality measures are derived from the CAHPS survey as part of Oregon's 1115 Medicaid Demonstration waiver with CMS.
Members of each Coordinated Care Organization (CCO) in Oregon, as well as fee-for-service (FFS) members, are surveyed. The survey measures member satisfaction with the experience of care and gives a general indication of how well the health plan meets members' expectations. Reports for each CCO, FFS, and statewide results are available below.
Technical Guidance
Read the
data profile to learn the basics about the Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (CAHPS) Survey
Current Reports
2022 Statewide Report (Adult)
2022 Statewide Report (Child)
CAHPS Archive