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Oregon Health Authority

Workgroups and Advisory Panels

Strategic Plan Workgroups

HITOC chartered two workgroups to support the development of Oregon's Strategic Plan for Health Information Technology 2024-2028. The Strategic Plan provides high-level priorities, guidance, and direction for health IT over the next five years. It plan was developed over a multi-year process involving HITOC meetings, extensive community engagement, and recommendations from the two workgroups.

Community Information Exchange (CIE) Workgroup

The Community Information Exchange (CIE) Workgroup was formed by the Health Information Technology Oversight Council (HITOC) as directed by House Bill 4150 (2022). The CIE Workgroup's role was to provide recommendations to the legislature, HITOC, and the Oregon Health Authority (OHA) on strategies to accelerate, support, and improve statewide CIE in Oregon. Recommendations were submitted to the Oregon legislature in a draft report in September 2022, and a final report on January 31, 2023. Recommendations will also be used to inform HITOC's Health IT Strategic Plan for Oregon and OHA efforts.

The Workgroup met monthly March through November 2022 and was comprised of representatives from Oregon's diverse landscape of community, health care, and social services partners.

Visit the CIE Workgroup website for the charter, member roster, House Bill 4150 draft and final reports, Workgroup recommendations and considerations, and meeting materials and recordings.

For more information on CIE please see the CIE Overview Website

Health Information Exchange (HIE) Workgroup

The HIE Workgroup was chartered in 2022 to provide recommendations to the Health Information Technology Oversight Council (HITOC) and OHA on strategies to accelerate, support, and improve HIE across Oregon. The Workgroup provided recommendations to HITOC in 2023. Recommendations intended to reflect perspectives from all interested parties and partners, specifically including those serving communities who face health inequities. The HIE Workgroup recommendations informed HITOC's Health Information Technology (IT) Strategic Plan for Oregon and other OHA efforts 

Visit the HIE Workgroup website for more information.

Past Workgroups

See here for past workgroups.